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词汇 界定
例句 The duties of the post are difficult to define.这一职位的职责很难界定Responsibilities within the department are clearly demarcated.部门内部的各项职责都有明确的界定He narrowly defines a hero as someone who has earned a medal in battle.他把英雄狭隘地界定为在战斗中荣获勋章的人。The government study seeks to define urban poverty.政府的这项研究旨在界定城市贫困。Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties.和其他多数拥有严格等级制度的美国公司一样,这里的工人和管理人员都有界定严格的职责。Tigers are broadly/loosely defined as large cats.老虎被泛泛地界定为大型猫科动物。We have chosen to define the scope of our study quite broadly.我们已决定把研究范围界定得笼统些。The bill leaves it up to the courts to decide what is obscene.依据该法案,淫秽物的界定权在法庭。The law defines drunkenness as a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood.法律上界定喝醉酒是血液中有一定比例的酒精含量。Your rights and responsibilities are defined in the citizens' charter.你的权利和义务在公民宪章中有明确的界定The difference between gross negligence and recklessness is a legal grey area.在法律上,严重过失和鲁莽行事之间的区别尚不好界定Where do you draw the line between what is good and bad art?你如何界定艺术的好与不好?His power is undefined, and therefore unlimited.他的权力未受界定,因此权大无限。Beauty is an intangible quality which defies ready interpretation.美是一种难以界定的品质,不能一下子解释清楚。There may be problems if responsibilities are not adequately defined.如果责任没有充分界定,就可能出现问题。There is a fine distinction between stealing and borrowing without the owner's consent.盗窃与未经主人同意的借用之间差别很难界定No one agrees on what counts as a desert.关于沙漠的界定,众说纷纭。We must define our own standards and adopt our own strategies for achieving those standards.我们必须界定自己的标准,并且采取我们自己的策略来达到那些标准。Our warranty clearly states the limits of our liability.我们的保修证书清楚地界定了我们的保修范围。The borders were vague and ill-defined.边界模糊不清,界定不明。The eclecticism of the designs means it is difficult to define one overall look.这些设计中的兼收并蓄意味着难以界定一个总体的风格。My childhood boundaries were strictly defined.我的童年时代被严格界定




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