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词汇 fainted
例句 He has fainted, try to bring him around.他昏过去了,设法使他苏醒过来。She suddenly fell forward on to the table and fainted.她突然向前栽倒在桌上,晕了过去。She fainted – she was out for about ten minutes.她昏过去了,失去知觉大约有十分钟。Sue felt her legs folding under her, then she fainted.她觉得双腿突然发软,接着就晕倒了。All of a sudden she fainted.突然之间她就晕倒了。Heidi fainted during French class today!今天上法语课时,海迪晕倒了!He fainted when he heard the news.听到这消息时,他晕了过去。I must have fainted, and when I came to I didn't know where I was.我一定是晕倒了,醒来时不知道自己在哪儿。He felt mortally weak. He notified himself that he was passing out, and he fainted.他觉得十分虚弱,心里明白自己要昏倒了,也果然晕了过去。She fainted from sheer weariness.她纯粹是因为劳累而晕倒的。Several fans fainted in the blazing heat.几个球迷在炽热高温下晕过去了。The pain was so intense that he fainted.疼得厉害,他都昏厥过去了。I was standing just behind her when she fainted.她晕过去的时候,我正好站在她后面。I nearly fainted when they told me the price.他们告诉我价格时,我差点昏过去。I began to feel strange, and then I fainted.我开始觉得不舒服,然后就晕倒了。He's fainted! Don't crowd him - give him room.他昏倒了!别围在他旁边——给他让出点地方来。He fainted at the sight of his own blood.他一看到自己的血就晕倒了。She fainted from lack of air.她因为缺氧昏倒了。One of the soldiers guarding the palace fainted in the heat.其中一名守卫皇宫的士兵热得晕了过去。A number of people fainted in the crush.拥挤的人群中有些人晕倒了。She fainted and slumped to the floor.她晕了过去,重重地摔倒在地上。She'd fainted and banged her head.她晕倒了,把脑袋给磕了。Many people in the crowd fainted in the heat.人群中许多人热得昏倒了。I started seeing double, then I fainted.我的眼前开始出现重影,然后就晕了过去。She almost fainted with shock.她震惊得几乎昏了过去。She almost fainted from the pain.她疼得几乎昏过去。The second time he fainted it took a long time to bring him around.在他第二次昏过去以后,花了很长时间才使他恢复知觉。He swayed a moment before he fainted.他晃了一下就晕过去了。On one occasion, Anna fainted while out shopping with friends.有一次安娜和朋友出去购物时晕倒了。




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