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词汇 Failure
例句 Failure to stick to the safety rules is simply playing with fire.不按安全规章行事简直就是在玩火。Failure and setback only strengthened our determination.失败和挫折反而增强我们的决心。Failure did not deter him from trying again.失败并未使他泄气罢休。Failure to manage risks hits middlemarket firms.风险管理的失败打击了从事中级市场业务的公司。Failure to comply with these conditions could result in prosecution.不遵守这些条件可能会遭到起诉。Failure to supply these details will render the contract invalid.不能提供这些细节就会导致合同无效。Failure to arrive at a consensus over the issue raised the spectre of legal action.无法就此事达成共识引起了人们对可能会诉诸法律手段的担忧。Failure will flatten his self-esteem.失败会击垮他的自尊心。Failure to pay child support is a growing problem.不付子女抚养费是个日益严重的问题。Failure induces a sense of inferiority.失败会使人产生自卑感。Failure was staring him in the face. 他离失败不远了。Failure to stick to the safety rules could result in disaster.不遵守这些安全规则可能会酿成灾难。Failure to produce proof of identity could result in prosecution.不出示身份证明可能会被起诉。Failure to meet a bill on the due date would result in total discredit for the drawee.票据到期不能偿付会使支付人彻底丧失信用。Failure to reach an agreement will result in a strike.达不成协议将会导致罢工。Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.不遵守规定者将被起诉。Failure to repay a student loan can ruin that person's credit rating.不偿还学生贷款会损害本人的信用等级。Failure to implement the decision would be a great shame.未能执行决定会令人遗憾。Failure to communicate had brought the two nations to the brink of war.沟通不畅使这两个国家濒于战争的边缘。Failure had made him bitter and spiteful.失败使他变得尖酸刻薄。Failure to recognize the injury may lead to posteromedial ankle pain.没有意识到受伤可能导致了脚踝后中部疼痛。Failure to pay the tax may result in prosecution and imprisonment.不缴税可能会遭起诉、被判入狱。Failure to disclose all relevant changes may invalidate your policy.未能披露所有的相关变化可能会导致你的保险单无效。Failure to obey orders on a ship is mutiny.在船上不执行命令就是哗变。Failure chilled her hopes.失败使她希望破灭。Failure to report any changes in your situation may invalidate your insurance policy.如未能及时通报个人情况变动,保险单有可能因此失效。Failure now could fatally damage his chances.现在的失败会彻底毁掉他的机会。Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.他可能会因没有提供保险而被起诉。Failure to observe club rules may result in expulsion.不遵守俱乐部规定者可能会被开除会籍。Failure to produce a valid insurance certificate may result in criminal prosecution.不能出示有效的保险证明书可能会导致被刑事起诉。Failure would ring the doom of the organization.失败将会敲响这个组织的丧钟。Failure now could fatally damage his chances in the future.现在失败会彻底毁掉他未来的机会。Parents must take responsibility for their children. Failure to do so could mean a fine or a jail sentence.父母必须为他们的子女负责,如果不这样的话可能意味着罚款或监禁。Failure to predict the incident badly discredited the country's intelligence service.未能预测到这一事件使该国的情报机构名声扫地。




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