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词汇 failures
例句 The country's national pride has been damaged by its sporting failures.体育方面的失利使这个国家的民族自尊心受到了伤害。The program examined several bridge failures and other engineering disasters.这项计划检查了几处桥梁事故及其他工程上的重大灾祸。He became discouraged by his repeated failures in business.多次生意失败使他变得沮丧。He has been made a scapegoat for the company's failures.他成了公司经营失败的替罪羊。His business failures left him destitute.生意上的失败使他一贫如洗。He could no longer gloss over his failures.他再也无法掩饰自己的失败。There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off.还有几次事故主要是起飞时引擎出现故障造成的。Once we have confessed our failures and mistakes to God, we should stop feeling guilty.一旦我们向上帝告明了自己的过失和错误,就不该再觉得内疚。His failures chipped away at his self-confidence.屡次失败逐渐削弱了他的自信。His failures underline the difference between theatre and film direction.他的失败说明了导演戏剧和电影是不同的。We have had two power failures in a five-month period.五个月来我们经历了两次停电。In spite of all obstacles and failures, the scientist persevered with his experiments.尽管阻力重重并屡遭失败这位科学家还是坚持试验。The movie was one of the rare failures in his career.这部电影是他职业生涯中少有的败笔之一。There were many bank failures during the depression.经济萧条时期许多银行破产。He was scapegoated for the company's failures.公司生意失败,他当了替罪羊。Speaker after speaker lined up to catalogue a series of failures under his leadership.发言者一个接一个,历数在他的领导下遭遇的一次次失败。The storm caused power failures in many parts of the city.这场暴风雨导致城市许多地方电力中断。The party lost all public support after a series of U-turns and policy failures.该党一连多次出尔反尔,加之一系列的政策失误,终于失尽了民众的支持。Kennedy had no time for lost causes or famous failures, no patience with dreamers or liberal utopians.肯尼迪无暇在那些毫无前途的事业或出了名的失败事例上劳神费心,也没有耐心去应付梦想家或自由主义空想家。His ability has been called into question after a number of recent failures.经过最近的几次失败,他的能力受到怀疑。He had time to reflect on his successes and failures.他有时间反思他的成功和失败。Periodic failures of the olive crop kept the country in constant debt.橄榄周期性歉收使得国家常年负债。Drug companies tend to bury news of drug failures.药品公司一般会隐瞒药物无疗效的信息。The airlines’ failures were in part caused by widespread concern about air safety.航空公司的倒闭,一部分原因是人们对飞行安全的普遍担心。Company failures have led to massive job losses.公司倒闭已造成大量工作岗位流失。Their failures vastly outnumber their successes.他们失败的次数远远超过成功的次数。You should not dwell too much on your past failures.你不应该老是想著过去的失败。Her early failures made her even more determined to succeed.过去的失败更坚定了她争取成功的决心。To judge trips as if they're successes or failures may be oversimplifying things.仅以成功或失败来判断行程可能会过于简单化。The CEO was made the scapegoat for the company's failures.公司生意失败,首席执行官成了替罪羊。The bank's collapse led to a cascade of business failures.银行倒闭引发了一连串的商业受挫。Business confidence was undermined by a series of major failures.商界信心因一系列重大挫折而动摇。Undeterred by his early failures, he decided to keep writing.他没有被一开始的失败吓倒,决定坚持写作。She threw all his failures back in his face.她当着他的面把他过去的那些失败经历都抖搂了出来。He was filled with despair by his failures.由于多次失败,他完全绝望了。Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures.在学校考试中成绩不好的孩子经常会认为自己很失败。Although he had many failures, he was successful in the end.虽然他失败过多次,但最终还是成功了。He was frustrated by repeated failures.他因一再失败而灰心丧气。Drivers have to be on their guard, as faults or signal failures can occur at any time.驾驶员一定要提高警惕,因为故障或交通信号灯失灵随时都会发生。He's had a sequence of business failures.他生意上遭遇了一连串失败。




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