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词汇 failure
例句 They laughed at their own failure.他们对自己的失败一笑置之。She mocked him for his failure.她讥笑他的失败。Left ventricular failure is a marker for longstanding raised blood pressure.左心室衰竭是血压持续升高的标志。I just felt I had been a failure in my personal life.我就是觉得我的个人生活很失败。The story goes that the expedition was a failure.据说这次远征失败了。You should not let one failure discourage you.你不该失败一次就灰心。I blame the failure of our relationship on my husband.我把我们关系的破裂归咎于我的丈夫。The show was a dismal failure.演出非常糟糕。He slated the government for their failure to act.他猛烈抨击政府没有采取行动。People talk about various reasons for the company's failure, but it all comes down to one thing: a lack of leadership.人们对公司倒闭的原因说法各异,但归结起来就是领导力缺失。Our chances of success or failure are about even.我们成败的可能性大致各半。The scientific consensus is that failure to take action could lead to widespread droughts.科学界的共识是:由于未能采取行动导致了普遍的干旱。Many of the counsellors have themselves experienced failure and rejection as children.许多顾问童年时也都有过失败和被排斥的经历。The accident was caused by engine failure.事故是由引擎故障导致的。Anything less than total victory would amount to failure/failing. 若非完胜无异于失败。His failure to turn his attention to flagrant wastes of public money is inexcusable.他未能注意到公共资金的公然浪费,这是不可原谅的。The stereo is guaranteed against failure for a year.这台立体声音响保修一年。She saw his leaving the company as an admission of failure.她认为他离开公司就是承认失败。The couple idea is certainly oversold. There's so much pressure to become a couple that people feel failure if they don't conform.结婚的观念无疑被过分渲染了。人们面临来自各方的结婚压力,让他们觉得不结婚就是一种失败。He is being flogged in the press for his failure to take action.他因未能采取行动而遭到媒体的严厉谴责。The company claims that its failure to deliver the materials on time is due to bad weather and other extenuating circumstances.这家公司声称,他们未能按时递送材料是因为天气不好和其他情有可原的情况。The failure of the plan was laid at his door.计划的失败归咎于他。He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。We don't need a computer failure to contend with as well as all our other problems.我们已有不少其他问题要解决,不想再为计算机故障问题伤脑筋。The plan ended in failure.那项计划结果失败了。Children who are doing badly tend to expect failure and criticism.成绩不好的孩子往往容易想到失败和受批评。He was trying to redeem himself for his earlier failure.他正在试图挽回自己之前失败造成的影响。She became impatient at her own failure.她对自己的失败感到窝火。He felt like a failure when he wasn't accepted into law school.由于没有被法学院录取,他觉得自己像是个失败者。I accept full responsibility for the failure of the plan.我承担这项计划失败的全部责任。The team blamed injuries and lack of preparation for their failure to win.这支球队把他们未能获胜归咎于受伤和准备不充分。The prospect of failure didn't damp his spirits.有可能失败并没有降低他的热情。Farmers grow a mixture of crops as an insurance against crop failure.农民们混种不同的作物,以防庄稼歉收。This scheme was an abject failure.这项计划彻底失败了。All in all, it was a failure.总的说来,这事是失败的。It is written that failure will occur.注定会失败。FBI agents believe Thursday's power failure was a deliberate act of sabotage.联邦调查局的探员确信星期四的断电事故是蓄意的破坏行为。The teacher is not responsible for the student's success or failure. They are only there to help the student learn.教师对学生的成败并不负有责任,其职责只是帮助学生学习。He fell into despair over his failure as a husband.他因为自己是个失败的丈夫而陷入绝望之中。I'm too proud to admit failure.我太骄傲,不肯承认失败。




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