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词汇 满脑子
例句 He was prepossessed with the notion of his own superiority.满脑子的先入之见就是自己高人一等。I got into an awful muddle with my tax forms.我被报税单弄得满脑子糨糊。I try to look after my body as best I can, but I'm not obsessive about it.我是想尽力照顾好自己的身体,但不是满脑子就只有这个想法。He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming.满脑子都是工厂化养殖的事儿。Ron was full of ideas and seemed very enthusiastic about the show.罗恩满脑子都是新想法,并且似乎对演出充满了热情。Doubts invaded my mind. 满脑子疑惑。He is full of extraordinary ideas.满脑子都是离奇的想法。Images of the accident kept crowding my head.满脑子都是那次事故的情景。These designers are full of fresh ideas.这些设计师满脑子都是新创意。She was seething with anger and filled with revenge fantasies.她怒火中烧,满脑子都是复仇的念头。He's full of novel ideas.满脑子都是新奇的想法。James was a foolish man, full of impractical plans.詹姆斯是个愚蠢的人,满脑子都是不切实际的计划。He was full of grandiose ideas.满脑子都是些华而不实的想法。We have information coming out of our ears and we just need time to sift through it.我们满脑子都是信息,我们只是需要时间来整理一下。She spent all night thinking about the future that lay ahead of her.她整夜未睡,满脑子都想着她未来的前途。Serious doubts began to flood my mind.我开始满脑子都是严重的疑虑。He became obsessed in his old age with what to do with his immense wealth.晚年的时候,他满脑子都想着怎样处置他的巨额财富。The new teacher was enthusiastic and bursting with ideas.这位新教师热情满怀,满脑子的点子。His mind was wholly taken up with the question.满脑子都在想这个问题。Before the trip I crammed my head with information about Spain.旅行前,我满脑子都是关于西班牙的信息。He's got sex on the brain. 满脑子想的都是男欢女爱。I don't know what's the matter. She's usually so bright and full of clever ideas.我不知道是怎么回事。她平常是多么头脑敏锐,而且满脑子好主意。They are imbrued with the follies of youth.他们满脑子都是年轻人的傻念头。He was overflowing with good ideas.他有满脑子的好主意。He was petty-minded and obsessed with detail.他小肚鸡肠,满脑子都是鸡毛蒜皮的事儿。She's ambitious and a real go-getter with business on the brain.她雄心勃勃,满脑子都是志在必得的生意经。Superstition crackled in her brain.满脑子的迷信。He is full of racial prejudice.满脑子种族偏见。His mind was full of the things he had seen that day.满脑子都是那天看到的情景。My mind is buzzing with ideas.满脑子都是想法。She occupied all his waking thoughts.他只要醒着满脑子想的都是她。He was obsessed with her and wanted her desperately.满脑子都是她,急不可耐地想要她。My mind was buzzing with new ideas.满脑子都是新的主意。All she ever thinks about is shagging.满脑子想的都是做爱。She's always full of new ideas.她总是满脑子新点子。Her mind was still running on the last thing David had said to her.她还在满脑子想着戴维跟她说的最后一件事。




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