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The protests mark a watershed in the history of the country.抗议活动标志着这个国家历史上的一个转折点。The next battle signalled a major turning point in the conflict.接下来的一场战役标志着这次冲突的一个重要转折点。The deal marks a turnaround in the fortunes of South Wales Electricity.这一协议标志着南威尔士电力公司时来运转。The court's decision represents a victory for small businesses.法院的判决标志着小型企业的胜利。The election signified a new page in the country's political history.那次选举标志着该国政治史上新的一页。Her death marks the end of an era.她的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。It is a mark of how far we have changed in a mere century.这标志着我们在短短一个世纪的时间里就发生了多么大的变化。This would mark the first occasion that the club accepted new members.这将标志着这家俱乐部第一次接纳新会员。This invention marked the beginning of the modern age.这项发明标志着近代的开始。The stock market crash marked the start of a severe depression.股市大跌标志着大萧条的开始。He described the meeting as marking a new stage in the peace process.他称这次会议标志着和平进程进入了一个新阶段。The show marked the culmination of months of hard work.这场演出标志着几个月艰辛工作的最终成果。The dropping of the first atom bomb marked a new epoch in warfare.第一颗原子弹的投掷标志着战争进入了新纪元。It marks a great turning point in your lives.这标志着你生活中一个重大的转折点。It demonstrates a major technological breakthrough.这标志着一次重要的技术突破。The book marked a change in direction for Scottish literature.这本书标志着苏格兰文学方向的转变。The building project marks a new phase in the town's development.这一建筑工程标志着镇子的发展进入一个新时期。The talks mark a step towards / toward peace.会谈标志着向和平迈出了一步。The moment signals a significant shift in attitudes to the war.这一时刻标志着对战争的态度有了重大转变。The album marked her coming-of-age as a singer. 这张专辑标志着她已成为一名成熟的歌手。The president's official visit marks the start of a more fraternal relationship between the two countries.总统的正式访问标志着两国间开始建立起一种更加亲密友好的关系。Her death marked the end of an era. 她的死标志着一个时代的终结。The release of Mr Nelson Mandela marked the point of no return in South Africa's movement away from apartheid.纳尔逊·曼德拉先生的释放标志着南非种族隔离政策一去不复返。Culloden did, however, mark the final pacification of the Highlands.然而,卡洛登一役的确标志着最终平定了苏格兰高地。These changes clearly signal the end of the welfare state as we know it.这些变化清楚地标志着我们熟悉的福利国家的终结。The treaty marked the end of the war.这个条约标志着战争的结束。Blair's concession of the referendum marks the moment when politics formally bowed the knee.布莱尔政府在公民投票问题上的让步正式标志着其在政治上正式作出妥协。The bridge is a remarkable tribute to the skill of the early engineers.这座桥标志着早期工程师们的杰出技艺。This period marked a rebirth in civic pride.这个时期标志着市民自豪感的复兴。The granting of the vote represented a watershed for the rights of women.获得选举权标志着女权运动的转折点。The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war.昨天的投票似乎标志着战争中的某个转折点。The leaves starting to turn brown is a sign that autumn has arrived.树叶开始变黄,标志着秋天到了。Yesterday marked the climax of the celebrations.昨天标志着庆祝活动达到了高潮。The incident marked a watershed in Anglo-Indian relations.该事件标志着英印关系的转折点。It marks a major turn in this presidency.这标志着这任总统的重要变化。His death marks the end of an era.他的去世标志着一个时代的结束。The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith.这桩婚事标志着詹姆斯皈依了天主教。Today's event marks his return to competitive racing.今天的赛事标志着他重返竞争激烈的比赛。The snow signalled the arrival of a front, and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in.这场雪标志着冷锋的到来,一个高压区似乎即将形成。His first hit record marked the onset of an astonishing career.他的第一张风行一时的唱片标志着辉煌事业的开始。 |