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The festival commemorates the town's founding.这个节日是为了纪念这座小镇的建立。The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar's victory over Pompey.凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。The annual parade commemorates the soldiers who died in the two World Wars.一年一度的游行纪念两次世界大战的阵亡将士。The monument commemorates our victory.这座碑是纪念我们的胜利的。The Eid commemorates the prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's command.开斋节是纪念先知亚伯拉罕甘愿依照上帝的旨意把儿子献祭的事迹。The festival commemorates the slaying of the demon buffalo.那个节日是为了纪念杀死魔牛。 |