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词汇 有办法
例句 Newspapers have ways and means of getting hold of secret information.报纸总有办法搞到秘密消息。She has a way of psyching out the competition.有办法在心理上压倒竞争对手。Even in jeans she managed to look groomed and well-dressed.即使穿着牛仔裤,她也有办法使自己看起来整洁得体。We are faced with a very difficult situation, but there must be a way out.我们正面临一个非常困难的局面,不过肯定是有办法解决的。Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.肯定会有办法安排好我们忙碌的生活,使我们能够在过得舒适同时也可以达到内心的平静。He seems to have a way of turning aside anger with humour.他似乎有办法用幽默来消弭他人的火气。Don't worry - I'll get there someway.别担心——我总会有办法到那儿的。Don't be too downhearted. There's always a way.别太悲观了,总有办法的。There must be some way you can relieve the pain.你一定有办法缓解疼痛。Don't panic. I can stall him off.不要惊慌。我有办法拖住他。I wish he could afford to carry out his plan.但愿他有办法实施他的计划。He was always death on you English chaps.他对付你们英国人总是很有办法There are ways of getting around the tax rules.处理税收制度问题是有办法的。They reputed him to have the means to do it.人们都说他有办法做这事。There are things you can do to stack the odds in your favor. 有办法使形势对自己有利。My boss is always criticizing me. I wish I knew some way to get him off my back.我的老板总是批评我。要是有办法让他不再烦扰我就好了。Was she able to wash the dirty mark out of her dress?有办法洗去连衣裙上的污迹吗? I hate boxing, because my opponent always found a way to decimate me.我讨厌拳击,因为我的对手老是有办法重挫我。If you can manage to help me, I would be very grateful.要是你有办法帮我的话,我该感激不尽。We have ways and means of getting the information we need.我们有办法弄到我们所需要的消息。It won't be easy, but we'll get across the river somehow.过河不是件容易的事,但我们总会有办法的。I wish there were some way I could help lift this load from his shoulders.我多么希望能有办法帮他卸下肩上的重担。Is there any way of getting around this bureaucratic bottleneck?有办法避开这种拖拉推诿的官僚作风吗?Dealers have ways and means of making people smuggle drugs for them.贩毒分子有办法让人为他们走私毒品。We have a purchase by which we can move people to our viewpoint.我们有办法让人们同意我们的观点。She can always manage to get around her dad.她总有办法说动她爸爸。With computer technology, even people working on their own have the ways and means to produce professional-looking documents.借助电脑技术,独自工作的人也有办法和途径制作外观专业的文件。If problems do arise, I have an exit strategy.如果确实出现问题,我有办法脱身。There's a bus strike, but I'm sure Ian will get here somehow.公共汽车工人在罢工,但我肯定伊恩总会有办法来的。I can always use someone with good access to the White House. What's your angle?我倒总有办法利用一个经常出入白宫的人。你的特殊有利条件是什么?Retailers have tried almost everything to entice shoppers through their doors.零售商们几乎尝试了所有办法以吸引购物者进入商店。He had the technique of turning everything to his advantage.有办法把所有事情都变得对自己有利。He's always able to deliver Chicago for the Democrats.他总有办法让芝加哥支持民主党。We'll get the money somehow or other.我们会有办法弄到这笔钱的。Ben's always bragging about his success with women.本总是吹嘘他对女人很有办法Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.总会有办法能安排好我们忙碌的生活,这样就能过得舒服一点,同时还能达到内心的平静。She somehow manages to juggle a dozen tasks at once.她总是有办法同时处理多项任务。What is sure is that they have a problem, and we have the means to fix it.毋庸置疑的是他们有困难,而我们有办法解决。He was a marvelous teacher, green-fingered with children.他是位出色的教师,对付孩子很有办法He hasn't got a job, but he seems to have ways and means of getting money.他没有职业,可是好像有办法弄到钱。




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