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词汇 住宿
例句 The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service.该旅游咨询处提供实用的住宿查询服务。The children were boarded out with foster parents.孩子们被安排与养父母一起住宿Accommodation is never fixed up in advance.住宿从未提前安排好。Students looking for somewhere to live can go the university accommodation service.寻找住处的学生可以找大学里的住宿服务部门帮忙。He has just checked in at the hotel.他刚刚在旅馆办好住宿手续。The couple hired a Dormobile for their four-week tour around Europe.这对夫妻为他们为期四周的欧洲之旅租了一辆住宿车。Our clients are assured of comfortable accommodation and the attention of our trained staff.我们的客户保证可以得到舒适的住宿,以及训练有素的员工所提供的周到服务。The hostel caters for single people who are unable to find affordable accommodation.青年旅舍为无法找到廉价住宿的单身者提供服务。He quartered his men on the inhabitants.他将士兵们安排在居民家中住宿The accommodations on board the boat are a bit cramped.船上的住宿有点拥挤。All students are guaranteed campus accommodation for their first year.保证安排所有的学生第一年在校内住宿The hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.该宾馆对常来住宿的客人给予优待。The price includes hotels and transportation.该价格包括住宿和交通费用。What quality accommodation you get depends on how much you're prepared to pay.住宿条件质量如何要看你愿意出多少钱。She accepted their offer of rent-free accommodation.她接受了他们提供的免费住宿Accommodation can be arranged at local bed and breakfasts.住宿可以在当地的小旅店解决。During the Olympic Games, accommodation will be at a premium.奥运会期间住宿会很紧张。The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.度假的价格包括机票和住宿I registered at a hotel near the train station.我在靠近火车站的一家旅馆登记住宿The receptionist checked us in.接待员为我们办理了住宿手续。The price includes flights, accommodation and transport.这个价格包括机票、住宿和交通。We found a cheap bed and breakfast near the coast.我们在海边找了一家提供廉价住宿和早餐的小旅馆。I've been looking in the newspapers for student accommodation but it's all so expensive.我在报纸上寻找供学生住宿的地方,但都太贵了。The soldiers were billeted in private homes.士兵们被安排在民宅中住宿The increase in the number of rooms available in private homes acted as a palliative to the general accommodation shortage.私宅可用房间数量的增加对住宿空间的普遍短缺起到了缓解作用。For fear of discovery he changed his lodgings every night.为了怕被人发现,他每夜换一个住宿的地方。He was given free lodging in a three-room flat.他得以在一间三室公寓里免费住宿How many guests can the motel sleep?这家汽车旅馆可供多少客人住宿Lodgings run the gamut from rustic cabins to plush hotels.住宿从质朴的小木屋到豪华酒店各种都有。All students are offered free accommodation.所有学生享有免费住宿The soldiers were billeted in private houses in Sutton.士兵们被安排在萨顿的民宅中住宿Tourists have a right to expect a reasonable standard of accommodation.游客们有权期望得到较好的住宿The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium.日常费用包括住宿以及游泳池和健身房的不限时使用。We were offered a package deal that included plane tickets, hotel accommodations, and tickets to shows in the area.我们得到的是套票服务,其中包括机票、酒店住宿和当地的演出门票。They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the city's homeless.他们开设了一个收容所,为该市的无家可归者提供临时的住宿Prices at three-star hotels fell furthest in several northern cities.三星级宾馆的住宿价格在几个北方城市降得最多。The hotel offers excellent accommodations at reasonable rates.这家宾馆提供的住宿环境舒适,价格公道。The price includes accommodation and car rental.这个价格包括住宿和租车的费用。The accommodation was something of a comedown from the comparative luxury of the hotel.从宾馆的相对豪华程度来说,这种住宿条件是有点不相称。The hotel, airfare, and museum fees were all part of our vacation package.住宿、机票和博物馆门票都包含在我们的度假套餐里。




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