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The cost of student accommodation is higher than it was a year ago.学生的住宿费比一年前贵了。In that mountain village, the price of lodging is as fetching as the landscape itself.在那个山村里,不但景色迷人,而且住宿费也是吸引人的。The foreign students receive free tuition and accommodation.外国学生免学费和住宿费。Guests can make phone calls and charge them to their rooms.客人可以打电话,电话费记在他们的住宿费里面。He's on to a good thing, he has free accommodation in return for a little easy work around the house.他可交了好运,只需要给房东做一点容易的家务就让他免了住宿费。That money is to cover costs such as travel and accommodation.那笔钱是用来支付交通费和住宿费的。Why don't we share the cost of accommodation?我们何不共同承担住宿费呢?Because of a mix-up at the hotel, we were overcharged for our stay.由于宾馆的失误,我们被多收了住宿费。 |