例句 |
The study further strengthens the evidence linking smoking with early death.这项研究进一步证实了吸烟与早逝之间的联系。His early death was a great tragedy for his family.他的早逝是他家庭的巨大不幸。His grandfather had met an untimely end as the result of too much whisky.他的祖父因为过量饮用威士忌而早逝。His untimely death was heartrending.他的早逝真叫人伤心。His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.他母亲的早逝给了他沉重的打击。Her untimely death caused a surge of feeling.她的早逝引起了一片同情。She was pitchforked into power by the early death of her husband James V.丈夫詹姆士五世的早逝迫使她不得不执政。Alcoholism is one of the major causes of premature death.酗酒是早逝的主要原因之一。 |