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词汇 reported
例句 While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.大多数的博客作者都是对外界新闻进行评论,但是有的也会自己进行报道。All accidents must be reported at once to the aviation authority.所有的事故必须立即向航空当局报告。The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard.那艘船已找到,其名字和位置已报告给海岸警卫队。The intense fighting is reported to have claimed many lives.据报道,这场激战造成了多人死亡。International observers reported several cases of voting irregularities.国际观察员报告了几起选举中的违规行为。He reported some fluctuation in/of real estate values.他报道了房地产价格波动的行情。A fire had been reported in the cargo hold.行李舱内报称起火了。He was reported to have made an important discovery.据报导他有重要发现。The German media conglomerate Kronstadt AG reported record earnings last year.德国媒体联合企业集团喀琅施塔得公司报道,去年的利润创了纪录。Witnesses reported seeing three people flee the scene.目击者称看到有三个人逃离现场。Those statements have never been reported in the Western media.那些言论从来没有被西方媒体报道过。The hospital reported an increase in premature births.那家医院报告称早产儿数量有所增加。The foreign secretary is reported as saying that force will have to be used if diplomacy fails.报道称,外交大臣表示如果外交努力不能奏效将不得不使用武力。Nationwide, only one in four cases of child abuse and neglect is reported.在全国范围内,仅有四分之一虐待和疏忽照料儿童的案件被举报。The police were reported to have blasted their way into the house using explosives.据报道,警察是用炸药炸开房子后冲进里面的。She reported the burglary to the police.她向警方报案称发生了盗窃。Many patients reported sleep disturbances after taking the drug.很多患者报告服药后产生了睡眠紊乱。There has been a reported hijack in Tel Aviv this morning.据传今天上午在特拉维夫有一架飞机被劫持。The percentage increase in reported crime in England and Wales this year is the highest since the war.今年英格兰和威尔士报道的犯罪增长率是战后以来最高的。The deposed leader is reported to have fled the capital to an unknown destination.据报道被废黜的领导人已逃离首都,去向不明。He reported feeling depressed. = He reported that he felt depressed. 他说他感到沮丧。The authorities weren't helpful at all when Rob reported his passport stolen.罗布报告他的护照被偷,当局一点也帮不上忙。Managers at Metrocentre have reported a lull in the recession, as takings continue to soar.地铁购物中心的经理们报告说,经济衰退暂时停歇,营业收入持续攀升。A woman just reported a Peeping Tom.一位女士刚刚告发了一个偷窥者。He directed his ire at the coworkers who reported the incident.他将怒火撒在汇报这一事件的同事身上。The newspaper reported that the union was holding the nation to ransom.报纸报道说工会是在胁迫国家同意其提出的要求。This time you've played the game by the book, reported everything, withheld nothing.这一次你倒是中规中矩,该汇报的都汇报了,也没有任何隐瞒。The car was not returned on time, then was reported stolen.这辆车没有按时归还,然后就报失了。Acts of aggression against gays and lesbians are not always reported.男女同性恋者遭到挑衅并非总是报案。He reported on the latest collision between the two leaders.他对这两位领导人最近发生的严重分歧进行了报道。A taxi driver reported an erratic driver on Todd Street.一位出租车司机报告说在托德街有一个司机开车横冲直撞。All accidents must be reported to the safety officer.所有事故都必须向安全员报告。Residents reported heavy fighting near the presidential palace.居民们报告称总统府附近发生了激战。She is reported to have thrown a glass of wine at her former boss.据报道,她向前任老板泼了一杯葡萄酒。He reported the assault to the police.他向警方举报了被人殴打一事。Any incident must be reported as soon as is practicable.任何事件一旦可能发生,都必须马上报告。She had dutifully reported this to her superiors.她尽职地向上司报告了这件事。The manufacturers are reported to have received a litany of complaints from dissatisfied customers.据报道制造商已经收到了顾客一连串不满意的投诉。He reported the abduction of his son.他报案说儿子被人绑架了。The pedestrian who had nearly been run over reported the incident to the police.那位差点儿被撞倒的行人向警方报告了此事。




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