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The teams are due to report back to the Prime Minister early next year.这些团队应于明年年初向首相汇报情况。Your job is to attend the meeting and report back to the board of directors.你的工作是参加会议,然后向董事会作汇报。A committee will study the matter and report back their findings.委员会将调查此事件并汇报其调查结果。The authorities have ordered all soldiers who have returned from the front line to report back to barracks.当局已经下令让所有从前线返回的士兵回营地报到。The team would go in, ascertain the lie of the land, and report back.小分队将进入现场,了解情况后发回报告。I'll report back the moment I have located him.我一找到他就马上汇报。He emailed his report back to the news room.他用电子邮件将报道发回了新闻编辑室。Patients must report back to the center for a second treatment.病人必须返回中心接受二次治疗。The reconnaissance party reported back that the town was heavily fortified.侦察队发回报告,说那个镇子设防严密。Columbus reported back that he had discovered a new continent.哥伦布报告说他发现了新大陆。The policeman reported back that he found nothing wrong.那名警察汇报说没发现异常。The manager of our department reported back from home leave last night.我们部门的经理昨天晚上休完探亲假返回报到。The police radioed a report back to the station.警察通过无线电向警察局报告。Students were asked to report back on their results.学生须报告他们的成绩。They were sent home and told to report back in the afternoon.他们被送回家,并要求下午回来报到。The delegation will report back to Congress on the situation inside China.代表团将把中国内部形势向国会作汇报。The repairman reported back that the computer had a virus.修理工报告说电脑染了病毒。You don't need to report back for work until Monday.星期一之前你不必回来上班。He would, of course, report back on all deliberations.当然,他会汇报整个审议过程的情况。Don't forget to report back here after you have finished these jobs.勿忘在完成这几项任务后来此述职。Go and find out the truth and report back quickly!去查明真相并迅速发回报告! The committee was asked to investigate the complaint and report back to the assembly.委员会受命对投诉进行调查,并向议会呈交报告。They're scared that their sentiments might be reported back to the government.他们很害怕自己的看法有可能被人告发到政府。The committee will report back to us on completion of the study.研究完成后,委员会将向我们汇报情况。 |