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例句 He made monosyllabic replies to my questions.他对我的问题作了简慢的回答。Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.他们所谓的回答不过是表示承认的咕哝罢了。The invitations have been sent, but we haven't received any replies yet.邀请函已发出,但我们还没收到任何答复。The girl now replies in similar vein.这个女孩现在以相似的口吻回答。The irrelevance of his replies indicated that he wasn't listening.他毫不相干的回答表明他没在听。All your replies will be treated in the strictest confidence.你的所有回复被会被严格保密的。Genuine replies only, no time-wasters please.只要真正的回答,不要白白浪费时间。His replies were full of evasions and half-truths.他的回答充满推诿之词和半真半假的鬼话。I'll post the replies later on my web page.稍后我会把回复贴在我的网页上。She gave staccato replies to every question.她回答每个问题都是支支吾吾的。I bashed out replies as fast as I could.我马马虎虎用最快的速度写了几封回信。He was less than honest in his replies. 在回复中,他没有(完全)说实话。I had only about a dozen replies to my request for information.我征集信息,但只收到十几份响应的答卷。They're delighted with the replies they've received from the public thus far.迄今为止,他们还满意公众的回答。All replies will be treated with complete confidentiality.所有的答复将被视为绝密。The computer replies with an automatic display of the patient's answer.计算机通过自动显示病人的回答作出答复。When no replies came, I began to feel downhearted.一点回应都没有,我开始感到灰心了。At a press conference, she tossed off breezy replies.在一次记者招待会上她对答如流,妙趣横生。I've received replies from everybody but Jane.除了简,所有人都给了我回复。The replies came back in ones and twos.零零散散地收到了些答复。




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