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词汇 report
例句 My son got an excellent report last semester.我儿子上学期成绩出色。The problems are only hinted at in the report.报告只是暗示了这些问题。The report will be discussed at next week's meeting.这份报告将在下周的会议上讨论。The riots could have been avoided, a report revealed yesterday.昨天的一份报道透露,骚乱本来是可以避免的。The report paints a grim picture of life there.那则报道把那里的生活描绘得很凄惨。No report can convey the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.这场战争所造成的痛苦无法形容,没有甚么报道能够传达出来。The report provides fresh evidence about the way the business was run.报告提供了有关该公司运营方式的新证据。I don't think this is the time to cavil at the wording of the report.我觉得现在还不是对报告的措辞较真的时候。Companies are required by law to report their financial results on a quarterly basis.法律要求公司按季度发布财务业绩。The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.这份报告没能证明银幕暴力与现实生活中的暴力行为之间的因果关系。It's no longer in my hands, I'm afraid - I've sent a report about your son's behaviour to the police.这事恐怕我管不了一关于你儿子的行为,我已向警方递交了一份报告。The experiments of ten scientists were embodied in the report.十位科学家的试验情况收入了那份报告。The last section of the report sums up the arguments on both sides.报告的最后一部分对双方的观点作了总结。She got a good report from her German mistress.她的德语女教师给了她很好的成绩。The inquiry report doesn't pull any punches in apportioning blame.调查报告追究起责任来毫不留情。A large number of tables and figures appear in the report.报告中有大量的图表和数字。The report looks at the health risks linked to obesity.这份报告着眼于与肥胖有关的健康风险。His report is highly critical of the trial judge.他在报告中对主审法官有颇多批评。Studies report a recent decrease in traffic accidents.调查报告称交通事故最近有所下降。The report was silent on that subject.报告对那个问题只字未提。We expect a full report when you get back from Greece.我们期待你从希腊回来时,给我们详细讲讲你的见闻。The report ascribes the rise in childhood asthma to the increase in pollution.这份报告认为儿童哮喘发病率上升是因为污染加剧。They're insisting we report the matter to the police right away.他们坚持要我们立即向警方报告此事。A number of educational reforms have come about as a result of the report.由于这个报告,出现了一系列的教育改革。She looked at the report with simulated interest.她装出感兴趣的样子看那份报告。Fast food has come in for further criticism in a report published today.在今天刊登的一篇报道中,快餐遭到进一步的批评。The report was held back for fear of prejudicing his trial.因为担心会使他的审判有失公正,这篇报道被暂时压了下来。The company's annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy losses.该公司的年度报告试图掩盖近期的严重亏损。The report was sent to the general manager as per your instructions.按照您的指示,报告送给总经理了。He writes his report instead of dictating adlib on the tape.他自己动手撰写报告,而不是对着录音机随意口述。The report spelled out in detail what the implications were for teacher training.这份报告详细说明了教师培训的意义。The recommendations from this report are unacceptable to many black people.这份报告的建议让很多黑人无法接受。We are ready to vouch for the truth of the report.我们愿意保证这一报导的真实性。His report has been watered down so as not to offend anyone.为了不激怒任何人,他的报告改得缓和了一点。 She broke new ground when she filed her report on the Spanish Civil War.她发回的关于西班牙内战的报道开拓了新的视角。They told us to keep a lid on the report until the campaign was over.他们告诉我们竞选结束之前遮盖住那份报告。The health department issued a scathing report on conditions in local hospitals.卫生部门发表了一篇严厉批评地方医院状况的报告。I have to finish a report tonight.我今晚有一份报告得写完。Study the report carefully in the event that there may be discrepancies and anomalies.如果可能出现不一致或反常之处,要仔细检查报告。According to the report, most accidents occur when young children are left unattended in the home.根据报告,大多数事故发生在孩子被独自留在家里的时候。




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