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例句 Susie found his sarcasm very hurtful, but she didn't reply.苏茜觉得他的讽刺很伤人,但没有答话。I waited for Smith to reply, but he said nothing.我等着史密斯回答,但他却什么也没说。Before I could reply, he rang off.我还没来得及回答,他就挂断了电话。He blabbered out some kind of reply.他信口作出某种回答。He was angry but managed, with great self-restraint, to reply calmly.他很生气,但以极大的自制冷静地作出了回答。Her reply was indistinct.她的回答含糊不清。Their ridicule stung him into making a sharp reply.他们的嘲弄刺激他作出了尖刻的回答。Her reply was matter-of-fact.她的回答切合实际。Her reply was crisp and unemotional.她的回答很干脆,不带丝毫感情。She hung her head, not sure how to reply.她垂下头,不知该如何回答。They preferred to let the destructive stories ride without reply.他们宁愿听任这些毁灭性的报道流传而不予回答。Several months passed before I received a reply.几个月过去后我才收到回复。We would esteem it a great favour if you would reply at once.若能立即赐复,我们不胜感激。He was not overpleased with your reply.对你的回答他并不太高兴。Madam Chairman, I would like to reply to that point.主席女士,我想对那个问题作出回答。He worded the reply in such a way that he did not admit making the original error.他在回答中的措词表明他不承认原来犯的错误。He did not even have the courtesy to reply.他甚至连答复的这点礼貌都没有。He croaked a reply.他用低沉沙哑的声音回答。Derek's terse reply ended the conversation.德里克简短的回答结束了谈话。Think carefully before you reply.回答之前要仔细思考。She uttered her reply in a weak voice.她用微弱的声音给出了答复。In reply to your letter of yesterday's date, I have to inform you that ...昨日来信收悉,兹答复如下… We can't promise to publish a reply as space is limited.由于版面有限,我们不能保证把回复登载出来。She grunted a reply.她咕哝着回答。I'm sorry I didn't reply to your text - my phone died.对不起,我没有回你的短信,我的电话没有电了。Please enclose a self-addressed envelope if you would like a reply.想要收到回复者,请附寄一个带回信地址的信封。There was an element of ambiguity in the president's reply.总统的回答有点模棱两可。She gave a curt reply to his question.她三言两语草草回答了他的问题。Without thinking, he gave an automatic reply.他未加思索地就给了回复。Before I could attempt a reply he laughed.我还没回答他就笑了。I was stumped for words in which to reply.我怔住了,不知道用什么话来回答。She immediately shot off an email in reply.她立刻发了一封电子邮件回复。At first I didn't think that Jim was going to reply.起先,我以为吉姆不打算回答。It's easy to just hit the reply button.只需点击回复键就行,很简单。They've written back already - that was a very prompt reply.他们已经回信了——答复相当迅速。A reply came back the next day.第二天答复来了。The witness snapped a furious reply to the attorney's question.证人怒声回答律师的质询。Please complete the reply card and return it to us as soon as possible.请填好回执卡并尽快寄还我们。A postpaid reply card is enclosed.随函附上邮资已付的回信明信片一张。Before she could reply, my mother launched into a severe reprimand.她还没来得及回答,我妈妈就开始严厉地训斥起她来。




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