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词汇 无家可归
例句 Her heart yearned for the starving, homeless children.她的心怜悯那些挨饿的无家可归的儿童。She is broke and homeless.她身无分文,无家可归Half the town was bombed out of their homes in the raid.城镇中有一半的人被袭击炸得无家可归There has been a dramatic increase in homelessness over the past few years.过去几年里,无家可归的人剧增。Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of homeless families.数以千计无家可归的家庭需要住所。The bag lady never asked for a handout.那个无家可归的老妇从不乞求施舍。We can't continue to pretend that the problem of homelessness doesn't exist in this city.我们不能继续佯装本市不存在无家可归的问题。Have you no feeling for the plight of the homeless?对那些无家可归的人的苦难你就没有怜悯之心吗?Many people are now homeless as a result of the civil war.内战使许多人无家可归The family was bombed out.这家人被炸得无家可归He made many personal sacrifices to provide help to the city's homeless people.为了帮助城里无家可归的人,他做出了很多牺牲。He opens his home to anyone who needs a place to stay.他敞开家门,接纳任何无家可归的人。Homeless kids are now a familiar sight on London's streets.现在,无家可归的孩子在伦敦的街头已是司空见惯的了。Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.有些乞丐既不穷也并非无家可归The Centre is open throughout the year, to ensure that homeless people can get at least one hot, nourishing meal a day.该中心终年开放,确保无家可归的人每天至少能吃上一顿有营养的热饭。Homeless people slept under the railway arches.无家可归的人睡在铁路拱桥下面。Many people were homeless in the aftermath of the earthquake.地震之后,许多人无家可归Matthew remembers his experience of sofa-surfing as a homeless teenager.马修记得当他只有十多岁无家可归时的沙发冲浪经历。He was a foundling, and had grown up in a school for homeless boys.他是个弃儿,在为无家可归的男孩而开设的学校里长大。The flooding was catastrophic, killing hundreds of people and leaving thousands homeless.这次洪水是灾难性的:数百人死亡,数千人无家可归She gave what money she had to the homeless man.她将她所有的钱都给了这个无家可归的男人。They'd soon be penniless and homeless if she couldn't find suitable work.她要找不到合适的工作,他们很快就会身无分文,无家可归Ten percent of the collection goes to the city's shelters for homeless people.筹集款的百分之十用于为城市无家可归的人提供庇护所。The possibility that he might become homeless frightened him.他有可能会变得无家可归,这使他很害怕。This project is designed to help homeless people.这一项目旨在帮助无家可归的人。The floods have killed hundreds and made thousands homeless.洪水已造成几百人死亡,几千人无家可归She was without money and with no real roof over her head.她身无分文,也无家可归He's not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park.他算不上无家可归,只是在这个公园中游荡而已。Harry has been homeless for the past year.哈里过去这一年无家可归Homeless young people are easy prey for drug-dealers and pimps.无家可归的年轻人很容易成为毒品贩子和皮条客的猎物。Homelessness is part of a larger problem facing this country.人们无家可归只是这个国家所面临的巨大问题中的一部分而已。A forest fire left hundreds of people homeless.一场森林大火使数百人无家可归Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.卡勒姆初到格拉斯哥,没有工作,无家可归,无人倾诉,在文化冲击中挣扎。Many homeless people are too proud to ask for charity.许多无家可归的人自尊心太强,不想申请救济。The floods have left thousands homeless.洪水使成千上万的人无家可归We're collecting (money) for the homeless.我们正在为无家可归的人士募捐。Hill, who scrounges to buy his heroin, pretends to be homeless.希尔假装无家可归,通过乞讨来购买海洛因。The programme will take a detailed and provocative look at the problem of homelessness.这个节目将以启发性的眼光详细审视无家可归这个问题。It's the natural starting point for a discussion on how to help the homeless.对于讨论如何帮助无家可归之人,这是很自然的引入点。The organization has enlisted the support of many famous people in raising money to help homeless children.这个组织筹款帮助无家可归的儿童的活动已经得到了很多名人的支持。




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