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词汇 接住
例句 The center-fielder caught a fly.中场手接住了一个飞球。He caught a punt and scored the winning touchdown, with a minute left to play.接住对方的弃踢球,成功达阵,取得了制胜得分,此时比赛只剩最后一分钟。He lined out to the shortstop. 他击出的平直球被游击手接住而出局。The shortstop snagged the grounder.游击手迅速接住了滚地球。They received his body in their hands.他们用手接住他的身体。There were buckets to catch the drips from the ceiling.有水桶接住从天花板落下来的水滴。He hauled in a long touchdown pass.接住一记长传达阵得分。She ran left and caught the ball.她往左跑,接住了球。Stephen leapt up and caught the ball in one hand.斯蒂芬跳起用一只手接住了球。The shortstop fielded the ball on the second hop.球第二次弹起时被游击手接住了。The ball bounced high and she missed it.球弹得很高,她没有接住The shortstop snared a high throw from the outfield.游击手跃身而起,接住了外场过来的高抛球。The fielder caught the ball on the rebound off the wall. 外场手接住了从墙壁弹回的球。She flied/grounded out.击出的腾空球/滚地球被对手接住,从而导致了她的出局。She caught the bride's bouquet.接住了新娘的花束。The shortstop played the ball perfectly.游击手漂亮地接住了球。I managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground.我在玻璃杯落地之前接住了它。He gave the beermat a flick, then caught it in midair.他把啤酒杯垫迅速抛起,然后在半空中接住A fan caught the ball and tossed it back.一位球迷将球接住并扔了回去。He caught at the ball but missed it.他伸手去接球,但没有接住I caught the ball on the rebound.接住了弹回的球。He hit a high pop-up that was caught by the shortstop.他击出一个高高的小腾空球,被游击手接住了。I dropped the book but managed to catch it before it hit the ground.书从我手中掉下,但我在它落地之前把它接住了。He flied out to left field. 他击出一记高飞球,被左外野手接住杀出局。He dived and caught the ball at full stretch.他一个鱼跃伸手把球接住The batter fouled out to the first baseman.击球手因界外腾空球被一垒手接住而出局。The batter popped out. 击球手打出的小腾空球被对方接住,他因此出局。A pail stood in one corner of the room to catch the drips where the roof leaked.房间的一角放着一个提桶,以接住从屋顶漏下来的水滴。Summers caught the ball as it hit the wall and rebounded.球打在墙上反弹回来,萨默斯把它接住了。He fielded the ball smartly.他巧妙地将球接住Lockhart pouched the final catch.洛克哈特接住了最后一个球。She caught the ball one-handed.她单手接住了球。He caught the ball.接住了球。Davies picked up a flick from Melchiot and shot into the corner.戴维斯接住了梅尔奇奥特的快速传球,射入球门一角。Put a pan under the pie to catch any spillovers.在馅饼下面放个烤盘以接住溢出物。She caught the ball with one hand.她单手接住了球。With a tremendous leap, James managed to catch the ball.詹姆斯一个精彩的鱼跃接住了球。He caught the ball on the first bounce.他在球第一次反弹时将它接住了。He caught the ball in the corner of the end zone.他在端区的一角接住了球。The boy caught at the ball but missed it.男孩想去接球,但却没有接住




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