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词汇 observes
例句 Our family keeps/observes the Sabbath. 我们家谨守安息日规定。He observes a gang of medics coming through the pub door.他注意到一群医科学生从酒吧门口进来。Stern also studies and observes the behaviour of babies.斯特恩还研究、观察婴儿的行为。As one critic perceptively observes, the city itself is perhaps the most important character in the novel.正如一位评论家敏锐的见解,这座城市本身或许就是小说中最重要的主人公。He observes keenly but says very little.他观察敏锐,但说得很少。One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes.一名学生做实验,他的搭档则进行观察。Thursday is Ascension Day, when the church observes the bodily ascension of Christ into heaven.周四是耶稣升天日,到时候教堂要举行耶稣圣体升天仪式。Stern also studies and observes the behaviour of babies.斯特恩还研究观察婴儿的行为。




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