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词汇 observers
例句 Tonight the President will consult his military observers about the likelihood of an attack.今晚总统将咨询他的军事观察员有关发动进攻的可能性。The drug came under strong attack from concerned professional observers.该药品受到忧心的行业观察员的强烈批评。Independent observers will monitor the elections.独立观察员将监督选举。With the aid of observers, the election process was a smooth one.在观察员的帮助下,选举过程很顺利。This new Hindu militancy appals many observers.这种新的印度教的好战表现让很多观察家感到恐惧。UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员在监督此次停火。Most observers favour the second view.大多数观察家都赞同第二种观点。International observers say the balloting was fair.国际观察员说此次投票是公正的。This brutal attack has sickened even the most hardened observers.这次残忍的袭击即使最铁石心肠的旁观者也会感到震惊。These people are very sophisticated observers of the foreign policy scene.这些人是观察外交政策领域动向的行家里手。UN observers said that they were very favorably impressed by the fairness of the elections.联合国观察员说他们对选举的公正性留下了愉快的印象。Few observers believe the president will do an about-face and start spending more.没有几个观察家认为总统会彻底改变态度而增加开支。Outside observers believe that the election was conducted fairly.外来观察员认为这次选举是公正的。The more acute observers in the West had foreseen this.西方较为敏锐的观察家已经预见到了这一点。UN officials say two military observers were seized by the Khmer Rouge yesterday.联合国官员称昨天有两名军事观察员被红色高棉逮捕。Many political observers believe that the election is already decided.许多政治观察家认为大选结果已定。Foreign observers were present at the elections.有外国观察员出席选举。Independent observers say the campaign's been very much fairer than expected.独立观察员说竞选比预期要公平得多。It was certainly true that, as far as outside observers were concerned, Scotland was unlikely to get a very good press.在外部观察家看来,苏格兰不大可能受到媒体好评,这的确是实情。Independent observers monitored the elections.独立观察员对大选进行监督。Their exact purpose was not always evident to observers.对旁观者来说,他们的确切目标并不总是显而易见。A sonic boom was heard by observers on the shore as the meteorite fell to earth.陨星坠落地球的时候,海岸上的观察者听到了震天的巨响。Few observers expect the jury to acquit Mr Hoskins.几乎没有观察者料到陪审团会判定霍斯金斯先生无罪。Their proposal has drawn a muted reaction from most observers.大多数观察者对他们的提议反应平平。Fazio's announcement came as a surprise to most political observers.法齐奥的声明出乎大多数政治观察家的意料。The UN sent observers to the peace talks.联合国派出了观察员去参加和谈。They spotted observers along the border.他们沿着边境部署了观察员。Political observers believe that a decision may be announced shortly.政治评论员认为可能很快便会宣布一项决定。UN observers were there to ensure the smooth transference of power.联合国观察员们在那里确保权力的平稳移交。Most political observers believe that the president will now have to resign.大多数政治观察员认为总统现在必须辞职。Some international observers have claimed the election was rigged.一些国际观察员声称选举受到操纵。The flight was watched by many observers on the ground.许多地面目击者目睹了这次飞行。It seemed to some observers that the English had a mania for travelling.在某些观察家看来,英国人对旅行似乎抱有一种狂热。Most observers say the President is a cinch to win re-election.大多数观察家都说总统必定能够再一次当选。Difficulties in the housing market have led some observers to conclude that house prices will fall dramatically.房产市场的困境使得一些观察家断言房价将大幅下降。Many observers criticized the conduct of the trial.许多观察员对该审判的进行方式提出了批评。The United Nations sent a team of observers to the peace talks.联合国派出了一组观察员出席和平谈判。Outside observers said the election was free and fair.外面的观察家说此次大选自由而公正。The observers were ecstatic about the speed of the car.观察员们对这辆汽车的速度都惊讶得出了神。Military observers have been allowed into the area to monitor the ceasefire.军事观察员获准进入那个地区监督停火协议的执行情况。




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