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词汇 observer
例句 The president suggested that a UN observer should attend the conference.总统建议应派一名联合国观察员参加本次会议。An uninitiated observer might find his behavior strange.外行观察者可能会觉得他的行为怪异。Throughout the novel, the story is seen through the eyes of a detached observer.整部小说的故事情节都是从一个旁观者的角度展开的。They wanted the opinion of a detached observer.他们希望听取公正的观察员的意见。The current sole superpower is far from being a disinterested observer.当前唯一的超级大国远不是一个公正的旁观者。Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people.尽管他为人和善,有时也有些古怪,但对人的观察很是敏锐。The star is not visible to an observer without a telescope.观察者不借助望远镜是看不到这颗星星的。I attended the conference as an observer.我以观察员的身份参加了会议。The talks took place in the presence of a diplomatic observer.会谈是在一位外交观察员在场的情况下进行的。Even a casual observer can tell that the building is in need of repair.随便看一下也能发现这座建筑需要维修。A practised observer would quickly notice changes in the birds’ behaviour.一位有经验的观察者会马上注意到鸟类的行为变化。As an impartial observer my analysis is supposed to be objective.作为一名公正的观察员,我的分析应该是客观的。An unwary observer could easily mistake this constellation for a comet.粗心的观测者很容易把这个星座误认为是彗星。He is an astute observer of the current political scene.他对当前政治局势观察敏锐。The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door.这幅画描绘的厅堂如此逼真,若不细看,还真以为是从一扇开着的门往里看呢。The class has an observer today, so please be on your best behavior.今天有人来听课,所以请大家做出最好的表现。The country was granted observer status at the summit.该国获得高峰会议的观察员身份。To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.乍看起来,这与其他家庭纠纷没什么两样。A casual observer might get the wrong impression.漫不经心的观察者可能会得到错误的印象。It is impossible to remain a dispassionate observer when faced with such appalling scenes.面对如此可怕的场面时,我们不可能还是一个中立的旁观者。Our representative attended the peace negotiations as an impartial observer.我们的代表作为不偏向任何一方的观察员参加这次和平谈判。She's been sent as an observer to the UN aid conference.她以观察员的身份获派去出席联合国救援会议。I was invited to attend their conference as an observer.我应邀作为观察员出席了他们的会议。Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.即便是不经意的旁观者也一定已经觉察到本就紧张的气氛进一步加剧了。According to one observer, the event was poorly organized.据一位观察者说,这项活动组织得很差。A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.乍一看的话,还以为他们三人是晚上出来散步的。The British government acted as a neutral observer during the talks.英国政府在会谈中扮演了中立观察员的角色。I think the unprejudiced observer will feel that justice was done today.我认为,公正的旁观者会觉得今天正义已得到伸张。According to one military observer, this change comes after years of planning.据一位军事观察员说,这次变革是多年筹划的结果。She's a very keen observer of the political world.她非常机敏,善于观察政坛动向。Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the tense atmosphere.即使不经意的旁观者也不难看出紧张的气氛。A trained observer can scan the images in minutes.一个训练有素的观测员能在几分钟内将这些图像浏览一遍。




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