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词汇 obsessed with
例句 He was obsessed with American gangster movies.他迷上了美国黑帮片。David was obsessed with a girl he had just met.大卫被一个他刚刚认识的女孩迷住了。We live in a society which is obsessed with slimming.我们生活在一个热衷于减肥的社会。He was obsessed with a craving for materialistic gratification.他一心追求物质享受。Schuler's life took a radical turn when he became obsessed with horses.舒勒迷上马之后,生活发生了剧烈的变化。They are obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets.他们痴迷于给自己的汽车装配各种小玩意儿。She was obsessed with her weight. 她一心想着自己的体重。He was petty-minded and obsessed with detail.他小肚鸡肠,满脑子都是鸡毛蒜皮的事儿。As an artist, he was obsessed with sex and death.作为艺术家,他对性与死亡念念不忘。They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.他们变得痴迷于给自己的车辆装备小配件,以应付可能出现的各种紧急情况。He's obsessed with the idea of getting a motorcycle.他一门心思想要买辆摩托车。I feel nothing but contempt for people who are obsessed with fast cars and designer clothes.我对一心只想着跑车和名牌服饰的人只有鄙视。He became absolutely obsessed with a girl reporter he saw on television.他完全迷上了一个在电视上看到的女记者。He is obsessed with the growth of his empire.他痴迷于扩张自己的企业帝国。Though he sometimes seems obsessed with numbers, his speeches are otherwise accessible.尽管他有时好像特别喜欢引用数字,除去这一点,他的演说还是易懂的。There's a paradox in the fact that although we're living longer than ever before, people are more obsessed with health issues than they ever were.虽然我们比过去长寿,但人们却比以前更加关注健康问题,这是个矛盾的现象。It is not every day that one meets a business person who is not obsessed with Mammon.不贪财的生意人可遇而不可求。He may get a woman erotically obsessed with him but he will never get her love.他可能会让一个女人对他充满了性欲,但是他永远得不到她的爱。He's obsessed with trains.他对火车很着迷。Most leaders were obsessed with catching up with the West.大多数领导人一心想着赶超西方。He was neurotically obsessed with keeping his clothes neat.他神经质地执着于保持自身着装整洁。People are much too obsessed with their own inadequacies.人们常深陷于能力不够的困扰之中。She became more and more obsessed with the project.她对这一项目越来越着迷。It is not every day that one meets a business-person who is not obsessed with Mammon.不贪财的生意人可遇不可求。He became obsessed with football at the age of four, and he's never grown out of it!他在四岁的时候开始迷上足球,就一直沉湎其中!The media seems obsessed with hyping up individuals or groups.媒体似乎十分喜欢大肆宣传一些个人或群体。Jody's been obsessed with some lifeguard for months.乔迪几个月来一直在迷恋着某个救生员。He was obsessed with her and wanted her desperately.他满脑子都是她,急不可耐地想要她。You are morbidly obsessed with each other.你们是以病态的方式迷恋彼此。She became obsessed with the idea of making money.她一心一意只想着赚钱。The country is currently obsessed with gloomy prognostications about its future.该国现在正弥漫着对未来的悲观预测。




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