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词汇 挥霍
例句 He frittered away a fortune on fast cars and gambling.他买快车、赌博,挥霍了很多钱。My brother lent me some money and I went and blew the lot.我兄弟借给我一些钱,全被我拿去挥霍了。He does not have money to throw about.他没有钱可挥霍The two sprees had knocked me back financially.那两次的挥霍使我在经济上大为拮据。He squandered his money on gambling.他把金钱挥霍在赌博上。He trifled away the fortune left by his father.他把父亲留给他的遗产挥霍殆尽。He's squandered his money and now he's got to face the music.他把钱挥霍光了,现在得承担自己行为的后果。I blew all the money I won on a trip to Hawaii.我把赢来的钱全部挥霍在一次夏威夷之旅上。You should let yourself splurge once in a while.你应当偶尔允许自己挥霍一次。She'd turn in her grave if she knew what he was spending his inheritance on.如果得知他是如何挥霍她留下的遗产的,她在九泉之下也不得安宁。My brother lent me some money and I blew the lot.哥哥借给我一些钱,我全都挥霍了。He quickly wantoned away his inheritance.他很快就挥霍尽他所继承的财产。They lived high until they had no more money.他们过着奢侈的生活直到不再有钱挥霍为止。He's very rich, but he doesn't like to flaunt his wealth or waste his money.他非常有钱,但不喜欢炫耀财富,也不挥霍We decided to splurge on a bottle of good wine for dinner.我们决定挥霍一下,买瓶好酒晚餐时喝。You should break your wasteful habits.你应该改掉挥霍的习惯。She squandered the family fortune.挥霍了家产。He used his inheritance to indulge his vices of drinking and gambling.挥霍遗产,沉湎于酗酒、赌博的恶习之中。He inherited a fortune but blew it on bad investments and a luxurious lifestyle.他继承了一大笔钱,但是他把钱挥霍在不当的投资和奢侈的生活方式上了。She'll end up penniless if she continues to spend like that.如果她继续这样挥霍,最后会落个不名一文的。He lost his job, but still seems to have plenty of money to throw around.他丢了工作,但看来好像还有足够的钱挥霍The boys went on a two-day spending spree with the stolen credit cards.那些男孩用偷来的信用卡疯狂地挥霍了两天。He threw away his life savings.挥霍了一生的积蓄。He pissed a fortune away on gambling and drinking.他赌博又酗酒,挥霍了一大笔钱财。If you really want to splash out , let's go to dinner and a show in town.你要真想挥霍一下的话,咱们就去城里下馆子再看场演出。They squandered the profits on expensive cars.他们把利润挥霍在昂贵的汽车上了。Contrary to popular myth, women are not reckless spendthrifts.和人们普遍的观念恰恰相反,女性并不胡乱挥霍The firm soon started frittering away the cash it was generating.这家公司不久就开始挥霍赚来的钱。He began to lash the money around.他开始到处挥霍那笔钱。




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