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词汇 recover from
例句 Keep the patient still and quiet until he is fully recovered from the attack.让病人保持平静,直至他完全从这次袭击中恢复过来。Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses.期货价格在早盘深幅下跌后出现反弹,收盘时未见严重损失。Mark never really recovered from the shock of his father's death.马克始终未能彻底从父亲去世的打击中恢复过来。He is fully recovered from the virus.感染病毒的他已彻底康复了。Another body has been recovered from the wreckage.从残骸中又找到一具尸体。Rigby had never really recovered from his knee injury.里格比的膝伤从来就没有完全恢复。She returned to her family home to recover from an illness.她回到自己家中养病。He has recovered from his bad cold.他的重伤风痊愈了。How long did you take to recover from your op?你手术后过了多久才恢复的?Many useful substances are now recovered from materials which used to be thrown away.现在可以从过去往往被丢掉的东西中提取许多有用物质。The party is still trying to recover from the losses it suffered at last year's polls.该党仍努力从去年的大选失利中恢复过来。It will be a long time before he recovers from his present troubles.要使他从目前的困境中恢复过来需要很长时间。She still hasn't fully recovered from her shoulder injury.她的肩伤尚未痊愈。Libby had still not recovered from the shock of giving birth to a stillborn child.孩子生下来就死了,莉比仍未从这打击中恢复过来。Remarkably, the child recovered from a disease which had swept the world, killing and crippling millions.令人意想不到的是,这个孩子从病中康复了,而这种病症曾经席卷整个世界,使数以百万计的人丧生或残疾。Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.他的整体健康状况既然如此,手术后他也许要过一段时间才能康复。He has recovered from the accident remarkably well.他事故之后恢复得非常好。Very little was recovered from the wrecked ship.几乎没有找到任何失事船只的残骸。The city will recover from this recession eventually.城市最终会从这次衰退中复苏。The mail train driver was coshed and never recovered from his injuries.邮政列车司机头部遭受闷棍击打昏死过去,再也没有醒过来。The village recovered from the flood by the bootstrap method.那村庄自力更生从水灾中恢复过来。He has been unable to recover from his grief at/over his son's death.他一直无法从丧子之痛中恢复。Daniels will be out of the team until he recovers from his injury.丹尼尔斯要到养好伤以后才能归队。It took a long time for the British economy to recover from the effects of the war.英国经济过了很长一段时期才从战争的影响中恢复过来。He recovered from a ricked neck.他扭伤的脖子治好了。She never fully recovered from the trauma of her experiences.她一直没有从痛苦经历造成的创伤中完全恢复过来。Yates is struggling to recover from a serious knee injury.耶茨竭力想从严重的膝伤中康复过来。The black boxes were recovered from the crash site and provided useful information about the cause of the crash.黑匣子在飞机失事地点被找到了,它为调查空难原因提供了有用的信息。Please remember him as he recovers from his recent operation.他从最近的手术中康复后,请向他表示问候。He never recovered from the death of his beloved daughter.他一直没有走出失去爱女的阴影。Both golfers recovered from errant tee shots to make par.两个高尔夫球手开球打偏后都找回了状态,打出了标准杆。He had never completely recovered from his illness.他病后一直没有完全康复。Now that the quarterback has recovered from his injury, this week the team will be functioning at full strength again. 既然四分卫的伤势已经恢复,本周球队将再次全员上阵。Some soldiers never recover from the trauma of battle.有些士兵一直无法走出战争的阴影。The plants seem to have recovered from the disease, but they are still under observation. 这些植物似乎已从疾病中恢复过来,不过它们还处于观察期。The Foreign Minister will be deputizing for the Prime Minister while he recovers from his operation.首相在手术后的恢复期间将由外交部长代理其职务。It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.他患重感冒,很长时间才康复。The team never recovered from the devastating loss.这个球队再也没有从那次惨败中恢复过来。Two bodies were recovered from the wreckage.残骸中找到了两具尸体。I feel fully recovered from my surgery.我觉得已经完全术后康复了。




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