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词汇 recovered
例句 Jane recovered her lost wallet.珍寻回了丢失的钱包。The army recovered its morale and fighting power.这支军队恢复了士气和战斗力。I feel fully recovered from my surgery.我觉得已经完全术后康复了。Police recovered both items, and impounded a black BMW from the murder scene.警方寻回了那两件物品,并在凶案现场扣押了一辆黑色的宝马汽车。That virus she had two months ago really pulled her down - she still hasn't fully recovered.她两月前感染的病毒确实把她打倒了——她仍没有恢复。The flood was a calamity from which Bangladesh has never fully recovered.这次洪水是一场飞来横祸,孟加拉国再也没有完全恢复过来。The plants seem to have recovered from the disease, but they are still under observation. 这些植物似乎已从疾病中恢复过来,不过它们还处于观察期。The museum recently recovered two stolen artworks.那家博物馆最近追回了两件被盗的艺术作品。He suffered a stroke and hasn't yet recovered the use of his left arm.他得了中风,现在左臂还未康复。Simon never recovered the use of his arm after the crash.蒂姆的胳膊自从那次撞车事故后就一直没有痊愈。The acrobat almost fell over but quickly recovered.那杂技演员差一点跌倒,但很快恢复了平衡。They recovered their strength before setting off on another ten mile walk.在开始走另一段十公里的路程前,他们恢复了体力。You'll be fully recovered before you know it.在不知不觉中你就会完全康复过来。Their rapid response giddied me but I recovered fast.他们的迅速答复使我晕头转向,不过我很快冷静下来。The thieves were caught, but many of the items were never recovered.小偷被抓住了,但是许多遗失物品都没有找回。She never fully recovered from the traumas she suffered during her childhood.她一直没能从童年经受的精神创伤中完全恢复过来。The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics.没有恶语相向也没有大动干戈就把这笔钱要回来了。The death of his son was an experience from which he never fully recovered.他再也没能从儿子死亡的打击中完全恢复过来。He had never completely recovered from his illness.他病后一直没有完全康复。He was very upset but recovered himself in time to make a speech.他感到心里很难过,但还是及时竭力使自己平静下来发表讲话。He looked surprised but soon recovered his self-possession.他看上去有点惊讶,但很快就恢复了镇定。The shock had been too much for her – she never recovered.那个打击对她来说太大了 — 她一直没有缓过来。The black boxes were recovered from the crash site and provided useful information about the cause of the crash.黑匣子在飞机失事地点被找到了,它为调查空难原因提供了有用的信息。He hadn't completely recovered from his recent illness.他最近生了病,还未完全康复。Sabik had recovered some of his composure, and he shrugged.萨比克稍稍恢复了镇定,并耸了耸肩。She never fully recovered from the trauma of her experiences.她一直没有从痛苦经历造成的创伤中完全恢复过来。Libby had still not recovered from the shock of giving birth to a stillborn child.孩子生下来就死了,莉比仍未从这打击中恢复过来。She still hasn't fully recovered from her shoulder injury.她的肩伤尚未痊愈。She recovered consciousness in the hospital.她在医院恢复了意识。He never recovered from the death of his beloved daughter.他一直没有走出失去爱女的阴影。He groaned, but almost momentarily recovered his emotion.他发出一声呻吟,但马上又恢复了正常。It was several months before John had fully recovered from his heart attack.约翰的心脏病发作,好几个月以后才完全康复。He has never recovered from the shock of your brother's death.他从未从你哥哥去世的打击中恢复过来。The police recovered his stolen wallet.警方找回了他被偷的钱包。He's really striking the ball well and has recovered his confidence.他的球确实打得很好,这使他恢复了自信。I think the decision was a bitter blow from which he never quite recovered.我想这个决定对他是个沉重的打击,从此以后他一蹶不振。You'll be fully recovered and yourself again.你会痊愈并恢复健康的。Not being allowed to return to her own country was a blow from which she never really recovered.她被禁止回到自己的祖国,这个打击她一直难以释怀。He has recovered from the accident remarkably well.他事故之后恢复得非常好。He is quite recovered from his illness.他已完全康复了。




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