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For me, recovery has been all about finding my inner child and accepting her.对我来说,康复就是找到并接受自己内心孩子般的情感。Their objective is the recovery of land lost in previous wars.他们的目标是收复前几次战争中失去的土地。Her accident was followed by a long period of recovery.她在意外事故后花了很长一段时间恢复。We wish them all a speedy recovery.我们祝愿他们全体早日康复。His chances of recovery were slim.他康复的可能性很小。Doctors are confident that he'll make a full recovery.医生有信心他能完全康复。We hope for the recovery of the stolen paintings.我们希望能找回失窃的画作。The higher rates have been a hindrance to economic recovery.高利率已经成为经济复苏的障碍。There were still no real signs of an economic recovery.还没有出现经济复苏的真正迹象。Fresh air and nutritious food will speed his recovery.呼吸新鲜空气,吃有营养的食物会促进他身体的康复。The perennial crises could snuff out a business recovery.旷日持久的迭次危机会扼杀商业的复苏。Tax increases now might imperil economic recovery.目前提高税收可能会危及经济的复苏。Our chief attention should be focused on economic recovery.我们的主要注意力应集中在经济复苏上。Our main objective was the safe recovery of the child.我们的主要目标是将孩子安全地找回来。The stock market has made a spectacular recovery.股市有了大幅的回升。This recovery technique breaks new ground.这种康复技术是一项创新。She is expected to make a full recovery.她有望完全康复。The doctors were surprised at Phillip's quick recovery.医生对菲利普的迅速康复感到惊讶。It is important that the recovery be export-led rather than led by domestic consumption.经济复苏应由出口而不是国内消费带动,这一点很重要。The stock market has made a sound recovery.股市已经全面复苏。Some of the nation's top economic forecasters say the economic recovery is picking up speed.该国一些顶尖的经济形势预测专家断言,经济复苏正在加快。His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.他神奇的康复使医学专家感到惊讶。The promised recovery failed to materialize and unemployment kept on rising.恢复经济的承诺没有兑现,失业率继续上升。That unpleasant news might retard his recovery.那个坏消息可能妨碍他的复元。After the operation she was taken to the recovery room.手术后,她被推进了康复室。We should see a gradual economic recovery in the next few months.在接下来的几个月中我们应该会看到经济的逐渐复苏。Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.经济复苏的速度至今仍然缓慢。Cutting taxes may facilitate economic recovery.减税可能会有利于经济复苏。They were laying the base for a new economic recovery.这些给经济的再次复苏打下了基础。His recovery is nothing short of a miracle. = His recovery is nothing short of miraculous. 他的康复简直是个奇迹。Her recovery is unlikely. = It is unlikely that she will recover. = She is unlikely to recover.她不大可能康复了。The Prince's unexpected recovery was celebrated with a thanksgiving service in St Paul's.王子竟然痊愈了,为此在圣保罗教堂举办了一场感恩仪式以示庆祝。Economic indicators suggest that a recovery is on the way.各项经济指标表明复苏为期不远了。Their mission was the recovery of the space capsule.他们的任务是回收太空舱。The economic recovery in Britain was mirrored in the US.英国的经济复苏在美国得到了呼应。The patient is still in a critical condition but doctors say they are cautiously optimistic that he will make a full recovery.病人仍然处于危险期,但医生说他们保持审慎乐观的态度,认为他有可能会完全康复。The economic recovery is young.经济刚有所恢复。A good rest would speed his recovery.好好休息会加速他的康复。Post-operative infection can lengthen recovery time.术后感染有可能延长康复时间。She had a stroke recently but is on the road to recovery. 她最近中风了,但正在康复中。 |