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词汇 a blow
例句 He delivered a blow that sent blood spurting from his mouth.他一拳把他打得嘴里喷血。But Ivanisevic's no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs.但伊万尼塞维奇不能参赛对温布尔登主办方将是一个重大打击。Not being allowed to return to her own country was a blow from which she never really recovered.她被禁止回到自己的祖国,这个打击她一直难以释怀。Harrison was laid out for several minutes by a blow to the head.哈里森头上挨了一拳,昏迷了好几分钟。This scandal has dealt a blow to his plans to stand as chairman.这桩丑闻已搅乱了他参加竞选主席的计划。He ducked in time to avoid a blow.他及时地弯下身,躲开了一击。This election gives you the chance to strike a blow for freedom.这次选举给了你争取自由的机会。She gave him a blow in the eye.她朝他眼睛打了一拳。She aimed a blow at him, which he parried, covering his face with his arm.她想重击他,而他用胳膊遮着脸,架开了她的攻势。Suddenly Packer struck a blow that rendered his victim unconscious.帕克突然打了对方一拳,使他失去了知觉。He ducked in time to save his head from a blow from the poker.他及时低下头,躲过了拨火棍的击打。She was dazed by a blow on the head.她头上挨了一击,使她感到眩晕。We had quite a blow last night. Some trees were brought down.昨天夜里的风可真大,有些树都刮倒了。He dealt Jim a blow on the ear.他打了吉姆一记耳光。He received a blow in the stomach which doubled him up.他的肚子上挨了一拳,使他痛得直不起腰。He dealt the boy a blow on the ear.他打了那个男孩一记耳光。The fire was a blow, but we were determined to pick up the pieces and get the business back on its feet.火灾是个打击,但我们决心重整旗鼓,恢复经营。Richard landed him a blow on the left eye.理查在他左眼上打了一拳。He struck the man a blow at the chin.他一拳打在男子的下巴。She braced herself, as if to meet a blow.她严阵以待,仿佛准备面对打击。The girl rose in self-defence and landed a blow on the hooligan's nose.女孩奋起自卫,并打了流氓的鼻子一拳。I decided to go for a blow along the seafront before lunch.我决定在午饭前沿着海边吹吹风。They probably thought they were striking a blow for a political cause.他们可能认为自己正在支持一项政治事业。The judge's ruling has struck a blow for racial equality.法官的裁决捍卫了种族平等。She aimed a blow at Lucy.她对准露西就是一下。Give your nose a blow.擤擤你的鼻子吧。It would be stupid to pretend this was anything but a blow to the prime minister.自欺欺人地以为这事绝不会对首相造成打击是愚蠢的。The victim was apparently killed by a blow to the head with a heavy object.受害人显然是被重物重击头部致死的。I answered his threat with a blow on his nose.我朝他鼻子上打了一拳,来回答他对我的威胁。He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head.他冲着暴戾的父亲的头部猛击了一下,把他打死了。Her resignation has struck a blow against the company's plans for expansion.她的辞职对于公司的扩张计划是个沉重的打击。The team struck a blow for women's rights by winning the match.该队通过赢得比赛捍卫了女性权利。He discharged a blow upon her head.他重击她头部。His main desire was to strike a blow against the communist forces.他的主要意图是打击共产主义力量。He struck me a blow across the shoulders.他在我肩膀上捶了一拳。That failure was a blow to my ego.那项失败是对我自尊心的一个打击。It was a blow to the economies of both towns.这对两个城市的经济都是打击。The hurricane has delivered a blow to the area's hopes of revival.飓风沉重打击了这个地区复苏的希望。It's time we struck a blow for women's rights.我们该起来维护妇女权利了。Her father died from a blow to the back of the head.她父亲死于脑后重击。




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