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例句 The band immediately struck up a sort of rumba.乐队立刻奏起一种伦巴舞曲。Illness of any sort can leave you feeling low.任何疾病都可能使人情绪低落。Wade was a hearty, bluff, athletic sort of guy.韦德是个精力充沛、率直、运动型的人。Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap.马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。Excuse me sir, but would you mind telling me what sort of car that is?.先生,请您告诉我那是什么类型的车好吗?Those two men are of one and the same sort—they're both bad.他俩是一丘之貉,都很坏。That's just the sort of abuse that he will be investigating.他要调查的正是这一类虐待行为。I was sort of hoping to leave early today.我今天有点儿想早一些离开。Sometimes there are problems that are too big for you to sort out on your own. That's when professional advice comes in useful.有时问题大得自己解决不了,这时候专家意见就有用了。He had the sort of smile that lifts a middling face into something special.他微笑时,那张普普通通的脸会变得特别好看。Some sort of compromise seems inevitable.作某种妥协似乎是不可避免的。I'm a fairly uninhibited sort of person.我是那种相当不受约束的人。This sort of aggression is learned behaviour.这种攻击行为是后天习得的。He's not the sort of man who would go back on his word.他不是那种会食言的人。She suggested a trip to the shops and hinted at the possibility of a treat of some sort.她建议去逛逛商店,并暗示可能要请客。He seemed to be just the right sort for the job.他似乎正是做这份工作的合适人选。How do we sort out fact from fiction?我们如何将事实与虚构区分开呢?I don't think he's really experienced enough for this sort of job.我认为做这类工作他经验不是太足。Address your complaint to someone who is senior enough to sort out your problem.把你的投诉提交给某个级别够高能处理你问题的人。They were two of a kind, from the same sort of background.他们俩是一类人,有相同的背景。I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing.我对这种事情特别愤愤不平。This stereo system is the most expensive in the range and is not the sort of thing that Joe Bloggs would buy.这种立体声音响是同类产品中最贵的,不是普通人会买的。In the end, she sort of pushed it.最后,她几乎是用了推的。Only by writing things down could I bring some sort of order to the confusion.只有把东西记下来,我才能从混乱中理出些头绪来。Has he been bothering you again - do you want me to sort him out?他是不是又在烦你了——是否需要我教训教训他?He's the sort of person who bores you at parties.他这人会在聚会上把你弄得很无趣。I wanted to sort out this problem with him, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall.我曾想跟他把这个问题给解决了,但结果徒劳无功。They encourage an image of the region as an otherworldly sort of place.他们力促把这个区域的形象打造成一个超脱凡尘之地。It sounds like the sort of meeting that could go on forever.这听起来好像是那种没完没了的会议。Maybe there's a sort of poetic justice to it.也许那件事有点儿因果报应的意思。To the brave, there is but one sort of plebeian, and that is the coward.对于勇士来说,只有一种下贱的人,那就是懦夫。We need to call in an electrician to sort out the wiring.我们需要叫电工来安排线路。These hotels still offer the sort of service which were the hallmark of the grand days of travel.这些酒店依然提供旅游黄金时期的特色服务。Too much of this sort of work turns your brain.这种工作做多了会让你头脑发昏。There are just some little details to sort out.只有一些细枝末节要整理。It's the sort of school you have to put them down for at birth.这是一出生你就该给他们报名入学的那种学校。That sort of work fagged me out.那种工作使我疲惫不堪。That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election.工党那点斩获远不足以让他们赢得大选。That sort of persuasion doesn't rate a damn with me.那种花言巧语我连听也不要听。She is trying to sort out childcare.她在想办法安排好照顾孩子的事。




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