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例句 They stood next to each other so that their shoulders were level.他们紧挨着站着,肩膀一般高。She backed the car away, so that our lorry could get into the garage.她把汽车往后退,好让我们卡车进入车库。Put the shingles on the roof so that they lap over each other.将木瓦重叠排放在屋顶上。The clinic now maintains an adequate supply of vaccine so that it won't be caught with its pants down if there is a flu outbreak two years in a row.诊所现在保证了充足的疫苗供应,即便连续两年爆发流感也不会措手不及。Can you back your car up so that I can get through?你能不能把车倒一下让我过去?If you need help, send up a flare so that we can locate you.如果你需要帮助,发射一颗信号弹,这样我们就能锁定你的位置。Please clear your books away so that I can serve dinner.请把你的书拿走,我好开饭。Many believe that Jones bought off the police so that he would not be investigated for the murder.很多人认为琼斯买通了警方以求不被追查杀人之事。I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny.我喜欢煮得嫩些的鸡蛋,这样蛋黄还是溏心的。The teams change ends at half-time so that neither side has an unfair advantage.两队在上半场结束时交换场地,这样对任何一方都公平。The sour reek of blood reached him so that nausea rose in his throat.他闻到了血腥气直想呕吐。Barbara decided to move her invalid mother to Mississippi, so that she could look after her herself.芭芭拉决定把久病卧床的母亲搬到密西西比,以便可以亲自照顾她。He spun the steering-wheel so that we yawed from side to side.他急速打着舵轮,把我们搞得摇来晃去的。Jesus is on a spiritual retreat, mortifying the flesh so that the spirit housed within it can flourish.耶稣在进行心灵静修,通过克制肉欲而让内在的精神得以绽放。The containers must be carefully sealed so that no air can get in.这些容器必须仔细密封,以防空气进入。The elastic stretches so that the shoe can be slipped on and off.鞋的松紧带可以拉长,以方便穿脱。Many satellite broadcasts are encoded so that they can only be received by people who have paid to see them.许多卫星传送的节目都是加密的,只有付费的用户才能收看。Speak up so that everybody can hear you.讲得响些,让大家都能听见。We offer catch-up TV, so that people who miss a programme will be able to view it on demand.我们提供电视节目补看服务,这样错过了某个节目的观众可以根据需要补看。She set up the gallery so that up-and-coming artists could exhibit their work.她创建这家画廊,为的是有前途的艺术家能在此展出他们的作品。Slow down so that I can catch up with you.放慢点,好让我能赶上你。He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could succeed.他牺牲了自己的事业,这样他贪婪的弟弟才能成功。The house is oriented so that it faces west.房子定位成坐东朝西。We put aside our personal animosities so that we could work together.我们暂时把个人恩怨放在一旁,这样才能一同工作。They lashed the thief to a chair so that he would not run away.他们把那个贼绑在椅子上,不让他逃跑。The drug paralyses the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs.这种药物会麻痹神经使得腿部失去知觉或不能活动。As he stands up, he turns his face away from her so that she won't see his tears.站起身时,他将脸别过去,以免让她看到眼中的泪水。The brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings.这座砖建筑物随着时间的推移会变得古色古香,与周围的环境融为一体。The victim's body will be exhumed so that a new autopsy can be performed.受害人的尸体将被掘出以便重新验尸。Try to project your voice so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.尽量放开嗓门,让坐在后排的人能听到。The boy dodged behind a door so that we could not see him.那男孩闪身躲到门后,不让我们看见他。She swivelled the computer screen around so that I could see it too.她把电脑屏幕转过来让我也能看到。Steps must be taken so that this kind of disaster never happens again.必须采取措施以保证这类灾难事件不再发生。We left early so that we could beat the traffic.我们提早出发了,以便避开交通高峰时段。The lampshade has a double skin so that it remains cool.这个灯罩有两层,不会发烫。Can you fix it with the Minister so that the meeting will be delayed?你能和部长安排一下把会议推迟吗?Melt the chocolate slowly so that it doesn't burn.将巧克力慢慢融化,这样就不会烧焦。Put the cards face down on the table so that the edges are touching.把纸牌面朝下放在桌上,使纸牌边贴边地排在一起。Remember to apply plenty of oil so that the wheel can rotate freely.记住上足油,这样轮子才转得顺。He agreed to be my sponsor so that I could join the club.他同意当我的担保人,这样我就能加入这个俱乐部了。




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