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词汇 感到满足
例句 When you are happy about yourself, you won't need to fill yourself up with food.你对自己感到满足时,就不需要用食物来填饱肚子。Instead of satisfaction she felt only guilt.她没有感到满足,反倒觉得很内疚。A young married woman, supposedly fulfilled by husband and children, confessed the emptiness of her life.一位年轻的已婚女子,按说有了丈夫和孩子应该感到满足,可她却坦白说生活空虚。Nothing will serve him but absolute submission.除了绝对服从,什么也不会使他感到满足Miles was flattered by all the attention he was receiving.迈尔斯因为受人瞩目而感到满足I think if I could write a song that I knew was good, not necessarily a big hit, I would feel fulfilled.我要是能写一首自己觉得不错的歌,也不一定要很受欢迎,我也会感到满足Her work fulfills her.工作使她感到满足I was no longer satisfied with the life that had hitherto contented me.原来一直让我感到满足的生活,我已经不再满意了。It's more satisfying to do the job by oneself.独自一人做这项工作更让人感到满足I was just content to see my daughter in such a stable relationship but a grandchild, that really was the icing on the cake.看到女儿与女婿的关系很稳定我已感到满足,后来又添了外孙,这可真是锦上添花。By a strange exercise of doublethink, he seems to have felt simultaneously fulfiled and frustrated.由于奇特的双重思想,他似乎同时既感到满足又感到沮丧。Happiness consists in being satisfied with what you have.幸福在于对你所拥有的感到满足




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