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词汇 情感
例句 Anna was determined to keep a tight hold on her feelings.安娜决意牢牢地控制住自己的情感I know I shouldn't generalize, but I do think men find it hard to show their feelings.我知道不应该一概而论,但我确实觉得男人不善表露自己的情感Such feelings tend to remain submerged beneath a mask of social politeness.在社交礼貌的掩盖下,这样的情感往往不会显露出来。Good teachers have insight into children's emotions.优秀的教师能洞察学生内心的情感I kept my feelings to myself.我把自己的情感埋在心底,不告诉别人。The story is about the emotional odyssey experienced by a teenage girl.这是讲述一个少女情感经历的故事。She doesn't let her feelings show.她不让情感流露出来。The album is her most emotionally direct work to date.这是迄今为止最能直接表达她情感的一个专辑。I don't go in for public displays of affection.我不喜欢在众人面前表露自己的情感As a nurse I learned to control my emotions.作为一名护士,我学会了控制自己的情感He believes that morality is based on instinct and feeling.他相信道德基于本能和情感The advertisers cynically manipulate our emotions.广告商恣意操纵着我们的情感He described his wife as the emotional anchor of his life.他把妻子描述为他生命中的情感支柱。He had no delusions about his feelings for Kate.他对自己对凯特的情感不抱幻想。Sometimes we are not consciously aware of these feelings.有时候我们没有意识到这些情感Tony may never escape his emotional struggle.或许托尼永远都无法摆脱情感挣扎。Siskind encourages the children to emote to the music as they dance.西斯金德鼓励孩子们跳舞时要根据音乐表现出情感His art is deeply expressive of emotions.他的艺术作品表现出强烈的情感I'm having mixed feelings about this class.我对这个班有着复杂的情感The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.从公然威吓到微妙的情感胁迫,各种战术都用上了。There may be some deep-seated emotional reason which has to be dealt with before your eating habits normalize.要使饮食习惯正常,你也许要先处理好一些根深蒂固的情感问题。Urge your child to verbalize his feelings.鼓励你的孩子用言语表达自己的情感As a jazz performer she is astounding, capable of expressing a broad range of feeling and expression.作为一名爵士乐表演者,她能够令人惊奇地表达丰富多样的情感The lust for revenge is a deeply rooted human emotion.复仇的强烈欲望深植于人类情感之中。I tried to hide my feelings from him as well as I could.我尽可能地对他掩饰自己的情感This way of life can lead only to self-destruction and emotional emptiness.这种生活方式的结果只能是自我毁灭和情感空虚。We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.我们不敢放纵自己的情感,以免显得太过软弱或缺乏自制。Doctors must consider the emotional and spiritual needs of their patients.医生必须考虑病人的情感和精神需求。You will need to make an extra effort to soothe their wounded feelings.你需要付出额外的努力来安抚他们受伤的情感He tried to empty himself of all emotion.他试图使自己挣脱一切情感的羁绊。Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress.好斗行为是情感苦闷的一种表现。A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings.一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感People like to ascribe human feelings to animals.人们愿意认为动物有像人一样的情感He didn't seem to be able to identify with ordinary people and their aspirations.他似乎不能体会普通民众的情感和他们的期盼。Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.人类很容易对黑猩猩的情感表达产生共鸣。We were afraid to abandon ourselves to our feelings.我们不敢放纵自己的情感The ad plays on our emotions, showing a doctor holding a newborn baby.那则广告在利用我们的情感,画面上是一位医生抱着一个新生婴儿。Drama can help children to express their emotions.戏剧能帮助孩子们表达他们的情感This video runs the gamut of emotions from pain to terror.这部录像展现了从痛苦到恐惧的情感历程。The end of his marriage left him emotionally shattered.婚姻的终结使他的情感遭受了重创。




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