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词汇 很难
例句 I find it hard to share his optimism.我觉得很难和他一样乐观。She finds it difficult to separate fact from fantasy.她觉得很难分清事实和幻想。There's no petrol, so it's very difficult to transport goods.没有汽油,因此很难运输货物。It's always difficult to prioritize work, school, and family.要把工作、学校和家庭按照重要性排列出顺序总是很难This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.今年该航空公司将很难赢利。It was hard to work with so many distractions.有这么多的干扰很难工作。As a parent trying to balance home and career, it's very difficult to find time for a social life.为人父母,若是想做到家庭事业都能兼顾,那就很难抽出时间参加社交活动。It's a tough job, and we're relying on you to carry it through.工作很难,我们指望你能坚持到底。Her story is pretty hard to swallow.她的描述很难让人相信。Such rumors die hard.这种流言很难销声匿迹。Defining the concept of class is not an easy task.很难给阶级这一概念下定义。It's hard to exercise every day. You have to have a lot of self-discipline.坚持每天锻炼很难。你必须具备很强的自律力。After the debacle of his first novel, he had trouble getting a publisher for his next book.第一部小说彻底失败后,他很难为他的下一本书找到出版商。Tim finds it hard to keep his nose to the grindstone when university life offers so many distractions.大学生活里有那么多东西分心,蒂姆觉得很难安下心来努力学习。It's hard to predict voters' whims.很难预料选民们一时的决定。It's difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.很难把纷繁更迭的众多事件构建成一个故事。A lot of companies have found it hard to adapt to the new system.许多公司感到很难适应新体制。The river was too wide to swim across comfortably.这条河太宽了,很难轻松地游过去。It was hard to see what else we could have done.很难想出我们原本还可以做些什么。The strength of the ensemble playing makes it difficult to praise any one actor in particular.合演的效果让人很难只单独夸赞哪一个演员。It is not easy to estimate how many people have the disease.很难估计有多少人染上了这种病。It's hard to equate this gentle woman with the monster portrayed in the newspapers.很难将这个文雅的女子与报纸上描述的魔鬼画等号。It's hard to adjust myself to the idea that she's gone.她走了,这让我很难适应。It was difficult for the police to pacify the angry crowd.警方很难使愤怒的人群平静下来。My wife is much cleverer than me; it is a cross I have to bear.妻子比我聪明很多,这让我很难接受。It is difficult to change such ingrained habits.改变这种根深蒂固的习惯是很难的。I always find it difficult to price a job.我发现给工作定价总是很难Maggie had a stone in her shoe and was finding it hard to keep up.玛吉鞋子里有块小石子,她觉得自己很难跟得上。I find it difficult to balance on one foot.我发现单脚站立很难保持平衡。It is difficult to separate truth from legend.将事实和传说区分开来是很难的。The drug's lack of availability presents a serious problem for them.这种药现在很难买到,这给他们造成了一个大麻烦。We will find it hard to make up this deficit.我们会发现很难弥补这一亏空。These stains can be difficult to remove.这些污渍可能很难清除。She's hard to please. Everything has to be perfect.很难让她满意,一切都要做到完美才行。She's very possessive about her toys and finds it hard to share.她对自己的玩具占有欲太强,很难跟别人分享。He's going to be a jolly tough candidate to beat.他会成为很难击败的候选人。With conventional insurance policies it is difficult to work out accurately the replacement value of your possessions.在传统的保险条款下,很难准确计算财产的重置价值。They have enough trouble finding nutritious food without crossing meat off their shopping lists.不把肉从他们的购物单中画掉,他们就很难买到有营养的食物。It is difficult to reproduce a signature exactly.复制一模一样的签名很难It's hard to regulate financial systems, but that's not an argument for Rafferty's rules.对金融系统的监管很难,但这并不是说它就该杂乱无章。




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