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词汇 弹性
例句 As people age, their skin becomes harder and less supple.人老了,皮肤就会变硬,弹性也差了。The new bed is nice and bouncy.这张新床弹性很好。There's little spring in this sofa.这张沙发几乎没什么弹性The toughness, lightness, strength, and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses.鲸须既韧又轻,而且强度和弹性大,这些特点使其用途广泛。This elastic is a powerful variety which a friend in the clothing trade put me onto.这种松紧带弹性很大,这是从事服装业的一个朋友告诉我的。A lot of sportswear is made of very elastic material.许多运动装都是用弹性很大的材料制成的。Being in the family business meant I could work flexitime.从事家族生意意味着我可以按弹性时间工作。The elastic in these socks has gone.短袜上的松紧带失去了弹性Over the years the mattress has lost its spring.几年下来,床垫失去了弹性A woman's skin needs a large amount of collagen to maintain its elasticity.女人的肌肤需要大量的胶原来维持它的弹性In this regard, the enterprise application itself must also have elastic characteristics.在这一点上,企业应用程序本身还必须具备弹性的特质。Do your muscles have the strength and resilience that they should have?你的肌肉有足够的力量和弹性吗?The better tennis racquets are made out of tough but extremely flexible graphite.质量较好的网球拍是用坚硬而极富弹性的碳素制造的。We have a flexitime system and crèche facilities and like to think of ourselves as a go-ahead employer.我们公司实行弹性工作时间制,还设有照顾员工子女的日托中心,并将自己定位为一家富于开拓精神的公司。The new plastic is completely inflexible.这种新塑胶没有一点儿弹性There's not much stretch in this collar.这衣领没有多少弹性There's too much stretch in this rope for the longer descents.这根绳索的弹性太大了,不适合更长距离的下降。Accountancy can offer flexible working hours.会计工作可以提供弹性工作时间。The elastic waistband of my pants won't stretch any more.我裤子的松紧带没弹性了。Employees expect flexibility in the work-place.员工们盼望弹性工作安排。The treatment increased the flexibility of her muscles.这项治疗提高了她肌肉的弹性German workers accept the need for greater flexibility in the face of global competition.面对全球竞争,德国工人接受了要有更大弹性这一要求。We are allowed to flex so long as we are in the office during core time.我们获准按弹性时间工作,只要在核心时间待在办公室就可以。Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.每天做面部运动有助于她的皮肤保持弹性Cold temperatures caused the material to lose resilience.低温使这种材料失去了弹性That material's a bit stretchy for a shirt.这种衣料做衬衫有点嫌弹性过大。The government of Jordan showed considerable resilience in this hostage crisis.约旦政府在这次人质危机中展现出相当的弹性Employers can help women by offering childcare and flexible working.雇主可以通过提供儿童托管和弹性工作时间来帮助女性。This fabric doesn't have much stretch in it, does it?这种织物没什么弹性,是吗?Pelvic muscles, like any other muscles, can lose strength and elasticity.与任何其他肌肉一样,骨盆肌肉也会失去力量和弹性As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity.随着皮肤老化,弹性会慢慢丧失。This fabric has a lot of give. 这种织物弹性很好。The fabric is very stretchy.这种布料弹性很好。Women have lost out in this new pay flexibility.在新的弹性工资制度中,女性比较吃亏。Flexible working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children.弹性工作时间可以让上班的父母有更多的时间和孩子们在一起。Aircraft wings are designed to have a certain amount of play in them.飞机的机翼设计得有一定的弹性空间。He would tug at it to test its elasticity.他会用力拉一下,试试它的弹性This luxurious talcum lotion restores softness and suppleness to dehydrated skin.这种奢侈的滑石润肤露能使缺水的皮肤恢复柔软与弹性The toughness, lightness and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses.鲸须的韧性、轻度和弹性使它具有广泛的用途。




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