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词汇 小鸡
例句 As a child, I loved to chase the chickens barefoot round the yard.小时候,我喜欢光着脚丫在院子里追赶小鸡We watched the baby chicks peck their way out of their shells.我们看着小鸡啄破蛋壳而出。Newly hatched chicks are like fluffy balls.刚孵出的小鸡像绒毛球。It takes several pecks for the chick to make a hole in the eggshell.小鸡要啄好几下才能在蛋壳上啄出个洞来。She stays in the nest until the chicks hatch.她待在窝里,直到小鸡们出壳。A weasel nipped one of our chicks.黄鼠狼叼走了我家一只小鸡The cat acted as a surrogate mum to the chicks.这只猫当起了小鸡的代理妈妈。These chickens are good boilers.这些小鸡很适宜于煮食。The chicks were just balls of yellow fluff.那些小鸡还只是一个个黄色的绒毛球。After a few days, there would be dozens of fluffy little chicks hatching out.过几天就会有许多毛茸茸的小鸡孵出来了。He is thoroughly domesticated and cooks a delicious chicken casserole.他完全适应了家居生活,烹制的砂锅炖小鸡非常可口。I heard a chick peep.我听到小鸡的唧唧声。The chicks looked like little round balls of fluff.小鸡们看上去像滚圆的小绒球。Mother hens protect their young by instinct.母鸡保护小鸡出于本能。The hen gathered her brood under her wings.母鸡把小鸡聚集在翅膀下。He was dishing out a chicken stew.他端上一盘煨小鸡The parent brings food to the chicks.母鸡啄食给小鸡All the chicks have hatched out.小鸡都已破壳而出。How long does it take for the chicks to grow to maturity?小鸡多长时间才能长大?The egg cracked open and out came a baby chick.蛋壳裂开了,一只小鸡钻出来。We watched the chicks hatch.我们观察小鸡出壳。The little chicks began to peep because they were hungry.小鸡因为饿而开始吱吱叫。There are twelve chickens in this hatch.这一窝有十二只小鸡The chicks have grown their adult feathers.这些小鸡已经长出了成年鸡的羽毛。The chick would smother in a box without air holes.小鸡在没有透气孔的盒子里会闷死的。The chick is ugly and almost reptilian in its appearance.这只小鸡长得很丑,看起来几乎像个爬行动物。Three eggs have already hatched out.三只小鸡已孵出。The eggs hatched and the chicks matured.破卵而出的小鸡渐渐长大了。A few scrawny chickens were searching for scraps of food in the dry earth.几只瘦巴巴的小鸡正在干旱的土地上寻找食物的零屑。A bantam hen and five chicks escaped the fire.一只矮脚母鸡和五只小鸡从火里逃了出来。The egg cracked open and a little chick struggled out.蛋壳裂开了,一只小鸡挣扎了出来。If food is scarce, the mother will feed the smaller, weaker chicks.如果食物不多,鸡妈妈就喂较小较弱的小鸡




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