例句 |
The police are going over the evidence with a fine-tooth comb.警察们正在仔细审查证据。We're going over the house with a fine-tooth comb. Nothing will be left untouched.我们在仔细地检查屋子各处,任何地方都不会漏掉。The police went over the place with a fine-tooth comb and found nothing.警察十分仔细地检查了这个地方,什么也没有发现。We went over that area with a fine-tooth comb.我们对那个地区进行了彻底的搜查。The new budget will be fine-tooth-combed by Congress.新的预算方案将由国会仔细审查。He went through the documents with a fine-tooth comb.他非常仔细地审查了文件。The police went over the scene of the crime with a fine-tooth comb.警方彻底查看了犯罪现场。We have gone through the evidence with a fine-tooth comb.我们已经仔细地检查过证据。 |