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词汇 小睡
例句 Our two-year-old is happy most of the time, but he wakes up from his naps in an awful mood.我们两岁大的孩子大部分时候都很愉快,但他小睡醒来时脾气就很坏。The baby's regime included two naps a day.这婴儿的生活规律包括一天小睡两次。She missed Spain and the languor of a siesta on a hot summer afternoon.她怀念西班牙以及炎热夏季里午后小睡的惬意感觉。A nap at noon always refreshes me.中午小睡一回总使我精神振作。The baby awoke from his nap.婴儿从小睡中醒来。He likes to nap for an hour when he gets home from work.他喜欢下班回家后小睡一个小时。A short nap can be enough to make you feel more energetic in the afternoon.小睡一会足以使你在下午的时候精神倍增。I was so tired when I got home from work last night that I had a quick nap.我昨晚下班回家后很累,就小睡了一会儿。She awoke from her nap rested and refreshed.小睡了一会儿,醒来后精力充沛、神清气爽。I had a short nap after lunch.午饭后我小睡了一会儿。She had a little doze after lunch.午饭后她小睡了片刻。You might come out of a short nap with a slight jump.你可能会猝然一动从小睡中醒来。Lots of people were taking a short siesta in the shade.很多人在阴凉处小睡The director always takes a nap around this time.这个时候董事总要小睡一会。She closed her eyes to catnap while her friend drove the car.朋友开车时,她闭眼小睡了一会儿。She lay down on the sofa and snoozed for a while.她躺在沙发上小睡了一会儿。My father is always irritable after a nap.我父亲小睡后总是容易发怒。The kids napped during their downtime.孩子们在休息时间小睡了一会儿。It was his habit to take a nap after dinner every evening.他有每天晚饭后小睡的习惯。The boss slapped down their idea of taking a nap on the job every afternoon.老板断然拒绝他们提出的每天午后在工作场所小睡片刻的意见。She learned to sleep in brief snatches.她学会了插空小睡片刻。I managed to catch/get some Z's on the flight.我设法在飞机飞行过程中小睡了片刻。He had a hearty lunch followed by a postprandial nap.他吃了一顿丰盛的午餐后又小睡了一会儿。He was stuffed to the ears and needed nothing so much as a nap.他饱极了,最需要的就是小睡片刻。The clock radio jarred Diane from her nap.收音机闹钟把黛安娜从小睡中吵醒了。After lunch I had a doze.吃过午饭,我小睡了会儿。The prophylactic nap is a nap taken ahead of a period of anticipated sleep deprivation, such as a late night or a long journey.预防性小睡是指在熬夜、长途旅行等影响睡眠的事情之前的小睡




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