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词汇 实情
例句 The healthy trade figures mask a much gloomier picture.大好的贸易数据掩盖了非常不景气的经济实情In the town very few know the whole truth.镇子里只有很少人知道全部实情I suspected he wasn't telling me the truth, and one day I caught him out when I found some letters he'd written.我怀疑他没有告诉我实情,有一天,我发现了他写的一些信后戳穿了他。You want to tell him the truth.你应该把实情告诉他。He refused to dirty his hands by lying about what had happened.他没有同流合污,拒绝谎报实情I told her the truth.我把实情告诉了她。Eventually she came clean and helped the police recover the goods she'd stolen.最后她终于招出实情,并协助警方找回了她盗取的物品。You might as well tell them the truth.你应该告诉他们实情Eliot looked sly and deceitful, as though he wasn't telling us the whole truth.埃利奥特一脸的狡诈骗人相,好像没把所有实情都告诉我们。It was only then that I began to learn the unpalatable truth about John.直到那时我才开始了解到有关约翰的一些令人难以接受的实情People always conspire to keep the truth from me.人们总是串通一气不把实情告诉我。Stop buggering me about and tell me the truth!别浪费我时间,告诉我实情Whatever Atell's case might have been, he stood the gaff.无论阿泰尔的案子实情如何,他都要忍受嘲弄。I don't really know so I could not pass comment on that.我不了解实情,所以我不能就此发表意见。The media latched onto the rumour and reported it as fact.媒体即刻对该传闻产生了浓厚的兴趣,并把它当作实情报道出来。Neither of them is telling the whole truth. Invariably, they keep something back.他俩谁也没把全部实情都说出来。他们总是要隐瞒些什么。Mental illness can exist for years before families are forced to acknowledge the truth.很多家庭出现精神病,但可能在多年后才会被迫承认实情She must be speaking the truth.她一定是在讲实情She doesn't know you're married? You have to stop living a lie and tell her.她不知道你结了婚吗?你不能再骗人了,必须告诉她实情He felt a sudden compulsion to tell her the truth.他感到一阵想告诉她实情的强烈冲动。We've lent him money before, and we know the score.我们过去曾借钱给他,所以了解实情If you tell those folks the truth, they won't vote for you. But if you sucker them, they'll vote for you twice over.如果你告诉这些人实情,他们是不会选你的。但是如果你耍点儿伎俩,他们会不止一次推举你。He accused the government of a cover-up.他指责政府隐瞒实情He could not resist telling her the truth.他忍不住把实情告诉了她。He wouldn't tell them, but kept them in suspense all day.他不吐实情,害得他们整日悬虑。We are trying to attract managers who know the score.我们在设法把了解实情的经理们吸引过来。No one knows the whole truth.没有人知道全部实情Not telling the staff before they read the news in the papers was an error of judgment.没有在员工看到报上的消息前告诉他们实情是个判断失误。You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what.你应该和我们一起过河,那时你就会了解实情了。I will acquaint you with the facts.我会把实情告诉你。They surprised the culprit into telling the truth.他们用出其不意的办法使罪犯吐露实情The authors no doubt overstated their case with a view to catching the public's attention.这些作者无疑夸大了实情以吸引公众的注意力。It would be doing him a kindness to tell him the truth.实情告诉他对他有益。Such is the size of the problem that these arguments are purely academic.问题的实情在于这些论点纯属空谈。She told him the plain unvarnished truth.她直截了当地告诉了他实情He tried to stop his ex-wife from talking on live TV.他试图阻止他的前妻上电视直播节目去吐露实情Then one day the girls spilled the story to their teacher.然后有一天,女孩子们把实情透露给了她们的老师。It was hard to winkle out the facts.很难摸清实情It was slow going getting the facts out of our boss.很难从我们的老板那里得到实情We're going to try to get the truth out of this boy.我们将设法从男孩这里得到实情




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