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词汇 大脑
例句 Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children.众所周知,接触铅对幼儿的大脑有害。The brain functions as a computer.大脑像计算机一样运行。It feels as though I have been given a passing glimpse into how human minds solve these problems.我感觉自己好像一瞬间瞥见了人类大脑是如何解决这些问题的。Sneezing is a reflex action controlled by the medulla in the brain.打喷嚏是由大脑髓质控制的反射动作。We've got only a very minor understanding of how the brain works.我们对大脑是如何工作的还知之甚少。The brain learns by adjusting the number and strength of these connections.大脑通过调节这些连结的数目和强度进行学习。My brain could barely function through the pain.我疼得大脑几乎无法思考了。A clot in the brain cut off her blood supply.脑部凝血块阻断了她的大脑供血。It's an artificial device that stimulates the auditory areas of the brain.这个人工装置是用来刺激大脑听觉区域的。We are only just beginning to unravel the mysteries of the human brain.揭开人类大脑之谜,我们还只是刚刚起步。My head goes all fuzzy when she looks at me that way.她那样看着我,我的大脑一片模糊。His mind reeled at the question.这个问题让他大脑一片混乱。The accident had cut the oxygen to her brain.事故切断了她的大脑的氧气供应。The bullet had entered the top part of the brain.子弹已经进入了大脑顶部。In spite of all its advances, medical science still knows little about the brain.医学尽管取得了这么大的进步,但是对大脑仍然知之甚少。The brain controls the coordination of muscle movements.大脑控制着肌肉运动的协调性。Keep the brain occupied.保持大脑全神贯注。Doctors studied asymmetries in the brain.医生们研究了大脑的不对称性。Intelligence is partly a function of the speed with which the brain processes information.智力在一定程度上取决于大脑处理信息的速度。Most experts agree that drugs like heroin can cause permanent brain damage.多数专家认为,海洛因之类的毒品可对大脑造成永久性的损伤。In a reflex, the effector muscle acts before your brain is able to think.在做反射动作时,效应肌肉在大脑意识之前就做出反应。A stroke affecting the right side of the brain may cause contralateral paralysis, affecting the left arm and leg.大脑右侧发生的中风可能引起身体对侧瘫痪,影响左臂和左腿。The drug exerts a powerful effect on the brain.这种药对大脑影响很大。The damage is restricted to the left side of the brain.损伤仅限于大脑左侧。My mind went into fast forward.我的大脑飞快转动起来。The bullet had entered the top part of the brain.子弹已经进入了大脑的顶部。Bears are very inquisitive and must be kept mentally stimulated.熊是一种好奇心很强的动物,必须不断地对其大脑进行刺激。The brain interprets the signals from the retina as light.大脑把来自视网膜的信号解读为光。Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动促使大脑释放出能令人感觉良好的化学物质。They first implanted capsules into the animals' brains.他们首先将密封管植入动物的大脑The surface of the brain is pinky-grey and latticed with tiny blood vessels.大脑表层呈灰红色,上面的微细血管纵横交错,宛如一个个斜格子。His brain reeled as he realized the implication of his dismissal.当意识到这是暗示要解雇他时,他的大脑一阵眩晕。Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.人们试图将特定的语言功能与大脑的特定部位相关联,但至今并未取得太大进展。Its brain is closely comparable to the brain of a chimpanzee.它的大脑与黑猩猩的大脑非常类似。It seems probable that the accident has damaged her brain.看起来很可能是那场事故损伤了她的大脑The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that ours are bigger.我们的大脑和猴子的大脑之间的差别,在于我们的大脑要大些。Exercise dilates blood vessels on the surface of the brain.运动会使大脑表层的血管扩张。Everyone's brain is wired differently.每个人的大脑生来就是与众不同的。Our nerves flash messages to the brain.我们的神经把信息迅速传递给大脑A wonderful idea began to take shape in her brain.一个绝妙的想法开始在她大脑中形成。




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