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词汇 remembered
例句 He remembered the simple pleasures of childhood.他记得童年时代的简单乐趣。She will be remembered for her ceaseless campaigning against injustice.她因反对不公正现象的不息斗争而名垂后世。Blake is better remembered as a poet than as a painter.布莱克作为诗人比作为画家更出名。He's best remembered for his novels.他的小说最为知名。Has everybody remembered to bring a pen and notebook?每个人都记住要带笔和笔记本了吗?He remembered that day very clearly indeed.他确实很清楚地记得那天。Mozart is remembered by a street named after him.为纪念莫扎特,一条街道以他的名字命名。He vaguely remembered meeting her in a club the night of the concert.他隐约记得开音乐会那个晚上在一个俱乐部里遇见过她。She remembered clearly that day when she'd gone exploring the rockpools.她清楚地记得她去岩石区潮水潭探险的那天。I remembered back to the time I saw her last.我回想起最后一次见到她的情形。She remembered that she was going to the social club that evening.她记起来那晚她正要去社交俱乐部。He will be remembered as a politician who fervently argued for what he believed in.他将因身为一位能够为自己的信仰积极抗争的政治家而名垂后世。They remembered him on his birthday.他们在他生日时送了礼物给他。She went pink as she remembered her mistake.她想起自己犯的错误,脸就红了。The remembered scenes unrolled in his mind.回忆起的景象在他脑海中展现。History and tradition have not remembered their names.历史和传统都没有记下他们的名字。When I came down, I remembered with horror some of the things I'd said.我清醒过来后想起我说过的那些话,心里很害怕。He will be remembered as a kind friendly person.他的友善将被人铭记。I looked down at the town, as I had done so many times as a young man, and remembered the people I had known there.我俯瞰着小镇,像我年轻时常常做的一样,想起了以前在那里认识的人。It was much further to the town centre than I remembered.去市中心的路比我印象中要长得多。He is best remembered for the introduction of the moving assembly-line.他最为人铭记的创举是率先采用流水装配线。Of the funeral he remembered only the cold, the waiting, and feeling very lost.关于葬礼,他只记得寒冷的天气、久久的等待以及深深的迷惘。Recognition slowly dawned, and I remembered her from my college days.我渐渐认出了她来,记得那还是大学时代的事了。She remembered Martin as a strapping youth with a big appetite.她记得马丁是一个身材魁梧、胃口很大的青年人。She remembered her ineffectual efforts to comfort him.她记得曾努力去安慰他,但徒劳无功。She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.她比我记忆中的更美。The little girl she remembered was now a grown woman.她记忆中的那个小女孩已经长大成人了。She remembered the day her father had walked out on them and how her mother had just sat on the stairs and cried.她仍记得父亲离弃他们出走的那一天,她母亲就坐在楼梯上哭泣。I was relaxing with a cup of tea and then—pow! I suddenly remembered where I was supposed to be.我正喝茶休息—噗!突然想起我本应该去哪儿了。My aunt remembered me in her will.我姨妈在遗嘱中提到了我。She was pleased they had remembered her birthday.他们给她带来了生日礼物,她很高兴。A sudden gleam came into her eye as she remembered that tomorrow was her day off.当她想到明天休息时,她眼睛一亮。She remembered Lucy as beautiful, charming and absolutely delightful.她记得的露西漂亮、迷人,而且非常讨人喜欢。He'll be remembered with genuine affection.人们将真切地怀念他。She still vaguely remembered her father, a distant figure who was barely ever there.她仍隐约记得自己的父亲,那是个疏离的人物,很少在家。She will be remembered as an unrelenting opponent of racial discrimination.她不屈不挠地反对种族歧视,将会为人所铭记。He was affectionately remembered for his selflessness.由于无私无我,他留在人们亲切的记忆里。I remembered that I had left my wallet at home.我记得我把钱包落在家了。She is remembered for her contributions to physics.她因对物理学做出的贡献而受到人们缅怀。She remembered Lucy as beautiful, charming, and absolutely delightful.她记忆中的露西漂亮迷人,而且极为讨人喜欢。




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