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Ask about special offers on our new 2-week holidays.请垂询我们新推出的特价两周假日游。My responsibilities include answering the phone and dealing with customer enquiries.我的职责包括接听电话,回复客户的垂询。The faculty welcomes enquiries from prospective entrants.学院欢迎有意申请者垂询。To enquire about tickets, call the number below.有关票务事宜,请拨打下面这个号码垂询。For more information about our product range, call your local office.如想得到更多关于我们产品种类的信息,请电话垂询当地办事处。Please call this number if you require any further information.如需更多信息请拨此电话号码垂询。 |