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词汇 半空中
例句 Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in midair.成百上千朵烟花在半空中同时绽放。He gave the beermat a flick, then caught it in midair.他把啤酒杯垫迅速抛起,然后在半空中接住。The planes were refuelled in midair.飞机在半空中续加了燃油。Lana turned a somersault in midair.拉娜在半空中翻了个筋斗。The car turned over in mid-air and landed on its roof.汽车在半空中翻了过来,车顶向下着地。They ran out of fuel midair.他们在半空中耗尽了燃料。The bird stopped and hovered in mid-air.鸟儿停了下来,在半空中盘旋。The blast lifted him bodily into the air.爆炸气浪把他抛到了半空中He seemed to be suspended in mid-air.他看起来似乎悬浮在半空中People living near the crash scene paid no attention when they heard the aircraft's engine cut out in mid-air.住在失事地点附近的居民听见这架飞机的引擎在半空中停下时并未加以注意。She stopped suddenly and her bag went soaring through the air.她骤然停下,于是乎手提包嗖地飞到半空中The plane disintegrated in midair.这架飞机在半空中解体。The plane broke up in mid-air.飞机在半空中碎裂了。The hawk stopped in mid-flight before diving down on its prey.老鹰在半空中停下来,然后往下向猎物扑去。The plane just disintegrated in mid-air.飞机在半空中解体了。Their wine glasses frozen in mid-air, they all stared at me.他们把酒杯停在半空中,目不转睛地看着我。The blast from the explosion threw debris high up into the air.爆炸产生的气浪把碎片炸到半空中The bull tossed him up into the air.公牛把他顶到了半空中




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