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词汇 初始
例句 The disease is contagious only before the appearance of its initial symptoms.这种病只在初始症状出现前会传染。The company could never recoup its original investment.这家公司再也收不回初始投资。The appointment of research officer will be for two years in the first instance.研究员的初始任期为两年。They fled to Britain when the war started.战争初始他们逃到英国。The scheme promises to give you back your initial investment, plus a return linked to the share prices.这个方案保证返还初始投资,外加一份与股价挂钩的收益回报。I'm not crazy about the initial terms of the deal.我不太满意协议的初始条款。At the stated maturity date, the principal is repaid.在规定的到期日,初始债额还清了。The post was for one year in the first instance with possible renewal to a further year.该岗位初始为一年期,有可能会再续聘一年。




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