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词汇 bun
例句 She wore her hair in a bun.她把头发挽成了小圆髻。Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun.格雷斯把一头长长的黑色直发盘成发髻。She caught up her hair into a bun.她把头发挽成一个圆髻。She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun.她正坐在餐桌旁,吃着葡萄干圆面包。You cannot eat a bun in one bite.你不可能一口就把整个面包吃下去。Robert had stuffed half a cinnamon bun in his mouth and couldn’t say a word.罗伯特把半个桂皮味圆面包塞在嘴里,说不出话来。She's got her hair tied up in a bun today.今天她把头发挽成了小圆髻。She swept her hair back into a bun.她把头发向后拢,盘成一个髻。She twisted her hair into a bun and fastened it with bobby pins.她把头发扭成一个发髻,然后用小发夹卡住。Her hair was combed back in a bun.她的头发往后梳成一个髻。Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun.她粗硬的头发向上梳起,在头顶乱糟糟地盘成了个发髻。She twisted her hair into a bun.她把头发盘成圆髻。She wore her hair in a tight bun.她把头发紧紧地盘成一个髻。Rumor has it, she has a bun in the oven.有传闻说她怀孕了。She twisted her hair into a bun and pinned it at the back of her head.她把头发盘成一个髻,用发夹别在脑后。She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun.她把一头稀疏的浅黄色头发向后梳,挽成了个圆髻。She pulled her hair back in a bun and fastened it up with hairpins.她将头发向后挽成一个圆髻,然后用发夹扎牢。She wore her hair up in a bun.她把头发束起来盘成一个圆发髻。She wears her hair in a bun.她盘了个圆发髻。Her tousled hair was held up in a bun with a pen stuck through it.她将蓬乱的头发绾成高高的发髻,用一支笔穿过去固定。Her hair was neatly coiled into a bun.她把头发盘成了一个整齐的圆髻。She pulled her hair back into a messy bun.她把头发拢在后面盘成一个凌乱的发髻。




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