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词汇 保险费
例句 The insurance company has increased our premiums.保险公司提高了我们的保险费The insurers have started hiking up premiums by huge amounts.各家保险公司已经开始大幅提高保险费I've had to dig into my savings this month to pay for my car insurance.这个月我不得不拿出平日的积蓄来付车子的保险费What's the monthly insurance on your car? 你的车每月需要缴纳多少保险费Insurance contributions are paid at a fixed percentage rate on all earnings.按总收入的固定比率缴纳保险费The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.每年要交的保险费可能有点高,但如果你的狗受了伤就会很值了。Insurance premiums will increase again next year.明年保险费又要上调了。Customers can lower insurance premiums by taking higher deductibles.顾客可以选择高免赔额来降低保险费Premium rises in excess of inflation have also priced out many.保险费涨幅超过通货膨胀率,致使很多人无法续保。My insurance premiums increase each year.我的保险费每年增加。The premiums will not be debited to your account without prior notice.事先若无通知,保险费将不会记入您的账户。Soaring medical costs keep kiting up insurance premiums.骤升的医疗费用使得保险费猛涨。Their pay rise would be eaten up by higher health insurance contributions.他们增加的工资会被更高的健康保险费吞掉。You will have to pay income tax on the rent you receive, although you can deduct expenses such as insurance.你可以扣除保险费等的开支,但租金收入要纳税。Intense competition has kept premiums low.激烈的竞争使得保险费保持在低位。The contributions employees pay give cover against sickness, including chronic invalidity.雇员所交纳的保险费中含有疾病险,其中包括慢性病。Health insurance premiums went up again this year.健康保险费今年又涨了。It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.现在说保险费是否会受到影响还为时尚早。You can get tax relief on private health insurance premiums.你交私人医疗保险费可以享受税款减免。Premiums on many cars will go up this year.今年许多汽车的保险费会上调。Insurance can represent a significant portion of the total price of a holiday.度假总费用里保险费可能会占据相当大的一部分。




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