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词汇 为生
例句 She races cars/horses for a living.她以赛车/赛马为生The village depends on the sea for sustenance.村子里的人靠海为生They punch cows for a living.他们以放牛为生Jenny weaves baskets for a living.珍妮靠编篮子为生What does her husband do for a living?她丈夫以什么工作为生They live by gathering shellfish and snails.他们靠采集贝类和蜗牛为生She made her living repairing and refinishing wood floors.她以修理和重饰木地板为生Only a handful of artists in Britain can make a living from painting.在英国,只有很少几个画家能以画画为生They depended on hunting and fishing for subsistence.他们靠打猎和捕鱼为生I thought I'd take up fishing.我想我会以捕鱼为生She makes a living as a writer, busily plying her pen each day.她以写作为生,每日笔耕不辍。They live by hunting and killing deer.他们以猎鹿、杀鹿为生What does she do for a living? 她靠做什么工作为生These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.这些罪案大都是由以犯罪为生的职业罪犯制造的。They made a living hustling stolen goods on the streets.他们靠在街上兜售赃物为生He made a living buying and selling stocks and shares.他靠买卖股票为生They make their living tapping the rubber from the trees of the rain forest.他们靠在热带雨林里割橡胶为生He lived on the streets as a vagrant.他以在大街上乞讨为生Wheat-growing is generally followed here.这里的人一般以种小麦为生She made a living from sketching caricatures of political leaders.她靠画有关政界领袖的漫画为生They were an ancient people who lived by hunting and gathering.他们是靠捕猎和采集为生的远古人。She composes for a living.她以作曲为生He made his living by trapping.他以捕捉野兽为生Steven took his son to a cricket match as a birthday treat.史蒂文带儿子去看了一场板球比赛,作为生日的特别款待。They spend their lives below ground sucking sap from roots.它们生活在地下,靠吸食根液为生My parents used to farm for a living.我父母亲过去以务农为生This conditions you to living off the one income.这会使你养成靠一份收入为生的习惯。Dario composes for a living.达里奥以谱曲为生Most species live off aquatic snails.很多物种以吃田螺为生He was reduced to begging for a living.他不得不以乞讨为生Owing to the cost of animal protein, the poor world is forced to resort almost entirely to plant protein.由于动物蛋白价格昂贵,穷苦世界的人民几乎只好全靠植物蛋白为生了。Vultures live chiefly on carrion.秃鹰主要以腐肉为生She survived on the streets by shoplifting and picking pockets.她以在街上混日子为生,到商店行窃,扒窃路人。I earn my living by conjuring.我以变魔术为生They lived by fishing and by basic small-scale farming.他们以养鱼和小规模的基本农业种植为生This species is a major predator of shrimp.这一种系的动物主要靠捕食虾类为生They subsist on eggs and beans most of the time.他们大多数时候都靠鸡蛋和豆子为生Most of the local population depend on fishing for their income.当地人大多靠打鱼为生They live by plunder.他们以劫掠为生My life has been music, and a constant search for it has been the mainspring of my life.我以音乐为生,对音乐的不懈探索已经成为我生活的动力。




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