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词汇 Boys
例句 Boys are just as keen on cooking as girls are.男孩子和女孩子一样对做饭感兴趣。Boys of that age have a one track mind. All they think about is sex.那个年龄的男孩脑子里只有一样东西,那就是性。Boys mature more slowly than girls.男孩比女孩发育成熟得慢些。Boys stood beneath the highway overpass.男孩子们站在公路立交桥下面。Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys.斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。Boys pulled salmon from a teeming river.男孩们从盛产鱼的河里捉鲑鱼。Boys! Can you be quiet please? I can hardly hear myself think.孩子们!你们安静一点好吗?我无法思考了。Boys his age are a law unto themselves.他这个年龄的男孩都自以为是。Boys are usually neglectful of their appearance.男孩子通常不注意自己的仪表。Boys were busy with the adornment of the classroom.男孩子们忙于布置教室。Boys are flunking out because the schools don't teach them how to read.学校不教如何阅读导致这些男孩子考试不及格而被除名。Boys' voices deepen in their early to mid-teens.男孩子十岁出头到十五六岁之间嗓音会变得低沉起来。I want you to form two circles, one inside the other. Boys on the outside, girls on the inside.我要你们里外围成两圈,男孩在外,女孩在内。Boys are forced to become child soldiers.男孩子们小小年纪被迫当兵。Boys were an immediate object of suspicion to her.男孩子们立刻成了她的怀疑对象。Boys at that age should be able to explore and get into mischief.那个年龄的男孩子应该可以出去闯闯、去调皮捣蛋。Boys are more likely to smoke to relieve stress than girls are.男孩比女孩更有可能以吸烟减轻压力。Boys often find it difficult to share their emotions.男孩们时常发现很难与别人分享他们的感情。Boys experience a growth spurt during puberty.男孩子在青春期阶段发育迅速。Boys are very much in the minority at the dance class.在舞蹈班上男孩子占极少数。Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine.男孩和女孩会喜欢摆弄各种机械装置。Boys are usually slightly heavier than girls at birth.男孩儿出生时一般比女孩儿稍重。Boys undergo a circumcision ritual to usher them into adulthood.男孩子经历割礼仪式进入成年。Boys used to play at cowboys and Indians.男孩们过去常常玩扮演牛仔和印第安人的游戏。Boys punch; girls often slap.男孩子挥拳猛击;女孩子常用巴掌打。Boys are the primary victims of corporal punishment.男孩是体罚的主要对象。The Boys made quite a little stir at the party.这群男生在舞会上造成不少的轰动。Boys continued to lag behind girls at school.男孩在学习成绩方面还是不及女孩。You shouldn't be too hard on them for staying out so late. Boys will be boys.你不该因为他们回来太晚而对他们太严厉。男孩总归是男孩嘛。Boys threw rocks at her and then ducked out of sight.几个男孩子朝她扔石块,然后逃得无影无踪。I could hardly wait for 'Boys' World' to appear each month.每个月我都翘首期盼着《男孩世界》的出版。Boys and girls, please line up single file.孩子们,请排成一列。Boys of your age ought to be sweethearting.你这个年纪的男孩该是求爱的时候了。Boys weren't mollycoddled and grew up to think and act independently.男孩子们没有被娇生惯养,长大后都能独立思考和行动。Boys are more impetuous than men.孩子比成人莽撞。Boys were pushing each other into the water.男娃们正推推搡搡地跑到水里去。




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