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例句 I'm sure he knows more than he's letting on.我肯定他知道的不止他说的这些。Many students apply for admission to more than one university.许多学生申请了不止一所大学。You're not the only one who's worried about the future. 不止你一个人担心未来。Our profits have more than doubled this year.我们今年的利润不止翻了一番。A dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.一只狗突然对着月亮狂吠不止There is more than one way to tackle the problem.解决这个问题不止一个办法。The good news did not stop there.好消息不止这些。His calmness continues to amaze.他的镇静令人惊异不止He'd often have us all in absolute hysterics.他经常让我们大家狂笑不止She burst into passionate sobbing.她突然激动地抽泣不止Her friends laughed boisterously.她的朋友们狂笑不止I'm sure they owe me more money than that - I'll have to sit down and figure it out.我肯定他们欠我的钱不止这些—我得坐下来算一算。You've fractured a rib, maybe more than one.你断了一根肋骨,可能不止一根。When I lapped the runner who was in second place, I knew I'd have an easy victory.领先第二名赛跑者不止一圈时,我知道自己会轻松获胜。At last, England has actually appointed a manager who has more than a passing acquaintance with the realities of modern football.英格兰国家队最终任命了一位对现代足球现状的了解不止于泛泛层面的主帅。There was more than a note of disapproval in her voice.听她的口气,可不止是不赞成。His jaw numbed and his teeth ached.他的下巴麻木了,牙痛不止They were all weeping over the Dickensian mush.他们对着狄更斯的伤感作品洒泪不止This is a problem that haunts all of us.这是一个使我们大家都担忧不止的问题。The audience was in hysterics throughout the movie.整场电影观众都狂笑不止She was found unconscious and bleeding.人们发现她时,她已不省人事而且血流不止In a given situation, more than one of these methods may be used.在特定的情况下,这些方法中不止一种可以使用。The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting.火车站的时钟滴答不止,在等候之中几小时过去了。The good news did not stop there.好消息还不止这些。Francis Watson was far from being merely a furniture expert.弗朗西斯·沃森远远不止是个家具行家。He would argue and eff all afternoon.他常会整个下午争论不止,咒骂不休。I reckon he's more than a shingle short.我看他脑子缺了不止一根筋。The visitors were in raptures when they saw the pictures on display at the new gallery.参观的人们看到新美术馆展出的一幅幅画作热烈地谈论不止Wounds like this can lead to uncontrollable bleeding.这样的伤口可能导致出血不止His were not merely crimes of theft but of violence against elderly people.他所犯的不止是偷窃罪,而是针对老年人的暴力犯罪。More than one correspondent filed a story about the incident.不止一名记者发稿报道这起事件。It is not the only place experiencing the obscenities of civil war.饱经内战蹂躏的不止这一个地方。They reeled around the room, laughing hysterically.他们在房间里踉踉跄跄地走来走去,狂笑不止The clowns were full of frolic.小丑们嬉噱不止The clock ticked relentlessly away on the mantelpiece.壁炉台上的时钟嘀嗒不止The man was bleeding to death before her eyes.就在她的眼皮底下,那个男人血流不止,即将死去。Maisie saw the snake and screamed her head off.梅茜看到那条蛇,尖叫不止The stewards threw out the man who would not be quiet.管理员把那个吵闹不止的人撵走。 It's the saddest book I've ever read. I bawled my eyes out at the end.这是我读过的最令人伤感的书。看到最后我痛哭不止Its benefits go beyond this.它带来的好处还不止于此。




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