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词汇 一段路
例句 We were really hungry after our long walk.我们走了很长一段路,真是饿极了。The shops were at a distance from where they lived.商店离他们住所有一段路From the map, it looked as if the lake was still a long way off.从地图上看这个湖似乎还有很长一段路José accompanied us for some distance until we reached the highway.乔斯陪我们走了很长一段路,一直到我们上了大路。Mum and he were able to walk part of the way together.妈妈和他能够一起走一段路We walked a canny long way.我们走了很长一段路The next day dawned sombre and gloomy, but the weather improved as we steamed along.第二天拂晓,天阴沉沉的,但我们匆匆赶了一段路之后天气好些了。It's a long hike from my house to campus.从我家到学校要走很长一段路The journey across the valley to the farm is going to be a slog.穿过山谷到农场的这一段路会走得很辛苦。Six or seven of the passengers were killed in an ambush on the narrowest part of the road.有六七名乘客在最狭窄的一段路上中了埋伏而丧命。We're coming up to a bumpy bit - you'd better hold on!前面一段路凹凸不平—大家最好抓紧!It is a short/long walk to the restaurant.到那家餐馆走不了几步路/要走很长一段路We've walked a good distance today.今天我们走了好长一段路It's quite a long way to the church from here.这儿到教堂还有相当长的一段路We drove a long distance.我们开车走了很长一段路I was partway to school when I realized I had forgotten my book.我往学校走了一段路后才意识到忘了带课本。We had to make a lengthy detour through the backstreets.我们只好走偏僻街道,绕了很长一段路Walk straight for a block, and you will see a boutique store.往前走一段路,你就会看见一家精品店。There's still quite a long way to go, but we're beginning to see daylight.还有很长的一段路要走,但是我们开始看到曙光了。We hiked miles yesterday.我们昨天走了老远一段路We had to go a long way before we found a place to eat.我们不得不走很长一段路才找到吃饭的地方。The closure of the bridge has caused lengthy diversions.大桥的关闭使人们要绕很长一段路We walked part of the way, then took a bus.我们步行一段路之后上了一辆公共汽车。It's quite a long way.这是很长的一段路Rio to São Paulo is just a short hop by plane.乘飞机的话从里约到圣保罗只是很短的一段路They still have a ways to go.他们还要走一段路Unfortunately, we're rather a long way from the airport.可惜的是我们离机场还有相当长的一段路We walked part of the way together.我们一起走过了一段路They had quite a march to get there.他们要走好长的一段路才能到达那里。The children will have to walk quite a way if we take them into the woods.如果我们带孩子去树林,他们得走相当远一段路We travelled some little way before noticing that Bradley wasn't with us.我们走了相当一段路才发现布拉德利没跟我们在一起。The shops are at a distance from where we live.商店离我们住所有一段路




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