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例句 I was left with no option but to resign.除了辞职别无选择。The room was completely bare except for a bed against the wall.房间内除了墙边放着一张床之外空无一物。I could still see nothing but the spirals of desert dust.除了盘旋纷飞的沙漠尘土外,我还是什么都看不见。I switched on the radio and got nothing but static.我打开无线电,但除了静电干扰,什么也听不到。I can't fault her driving, except that it's rather fast.除了车速较快之外,我对她的驾车水平无可挑剔。These cuts were superimposed on the problems already faced by the industry.工业上除了面临已有的问题外还要削减规模。To anything but the architect's eye, the house is cheap and ugly.除了那个建筑师,在任何别人的眼光里,那房屋质量低劣,外形丑陋。Excluding water, half of the body's weight is protein.除了水以外,蛋白质占了人体体重的一半。He rarely evinced any interest in Irish affairs except when forced to do so.除了被迫无奈之外,他很少对爱尔兰事务表现出任何兴趣。Our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally.我们的祖先除了刻线符木外没有其他书籍。English excepted, Peter has made good progress in all his subjects this term.除了英语以外,彼得这学期在所有科目上都取得了长足的进步。There was no difference between the twin sisters except in height.那对孪生姐妹除了身高不一样外其他没有什么差别。In addition to his movie work, Redford is known as a champion of environmental causes.除了电影事业外,雷德福还是个知名的环保斗士。Little is known about his early life, save that he had a brother.除了知道他有个弟弟外,对他的早期生活几乎一无所知。The general was relieved of his command.将军被解除了指挥权。Apart from the fact that we went to the same school, we have absolutely nothing in common.我们俩除了上过同一所学校以外,就毫无共同之处。Among other enticements, they advertized that they would take guests to Ramsgate for the day.除了其他诱人之处,他们还公开宣称说,会把客人们带到海滨圣地拉姆斯盖特玩一天。Celia looks just like her sister, except that her sister has shorter hair.西莉亚长得跟姐姐一模一样,除了她姐姐是短发的。The condition is practically unknown outside psychiatry clinics.除了医院的精神病科外,这种病几乎不为人知。He devoted his waking hours to the single-minded pursuit of his goal.除了睡觉外,其他时间都一心一意追求自己的目标。Apart from the victim's name and age, no other details were given.除了受害者的名字和年龄外,没有提供任何其他细节。The army experts made the bomb safe.军方专家排除了炸弹险情。After football, tennis is my favourite sport.除了足球,网球是我最喜爱的体育活动。Scientists should be literate and articulate as well as able to handle figures.科学家除了要能处理数字,还应该具有文学素养和善于表达。The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.除了三楼的一个窗户亮着一盏灯之外,整座大楼都是黑的。Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she rides horses on Saturdays.除了一周两次有氧操,她星期六还骑马。She had no other resource but to weep.除了流泪之外一无他法。In addition to teaching basic academic skills, we offer a large variety of activities for students.除了教授基本学术技能之外,我们还为学生安排了各种各样的活动。He's a rather over-serious disco trainspotter with a record collection instead of a brain.他是个过分认真的迪斯科音乐迷恋狂,除了他的唱片收藏脑子里就没有别的。There were no other problems with the house beyond the leaky roof.除了屋顶漏水,这房子没有别的问题。As well as a Roman amphitheatre and baths, the town has two superb museums.除了罗马式圆形剧场和公共浴池,这个镇上还有两座非常好的博物馆。I knew nothing beyond a few random facts.除了一些零星的情况外,我什么也不知道。After two days, the negotiators had done little more than agree to disagree.经过两天的谈判,谈判者除了同意各自保留不同意见外未取得任何结果。All but my auntie have had lunch.除了我的婶婶以外,大家都吃了中饭了。Will the new manager be able to do anything other than firefight?新的经理除了火急火燎之外还能做点什么?Everyone is leaving the village, bar the very old and ill.除了年老体弱者,其他人都要离开村庄。Don't you have something/anything better to do than to watch TV all day?除了整天看电视你就没其他更有意义的事情可做吗?The president has ruled out the use of American troops.总统排除了动用美国军队的可能性。The room was bare, apart from a strip of carpet.那间房间除了一块狭长地毯之外别无其他陈设。The foggy streets were virtually empty, except for the occasional evening stroller.除了偶尔一两个傍晚出来散步的人,雾蒙蒙的街上空荡荡的。




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